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Well, there was one person. The lazy librarian who resides in the Knights of Favonius, who would shock you quite a bit if you returned your books a little too late. The lady who was the top of her class in a prestigious school. The one who Jean trusted and loved. Lisa. Lisa believed that the means justify the ends. Lisa believed that anything was worth it in order to protect those close to her. It was like a gift, her way of saying thank you for the time they gave her. But Jean could never ask that of Lisa. That would be Jean basically asking Lisa to head straight to her death.

Back at the library, it didn't seem as if Lisa was dealing with her orders to stay inside very well.

"I can't do this!" Lisa suddenly stood up from her chair, in her empty library, slamming her book closed. "How does Jean expect me to just sit here, while she is charging into battle?!" Lisa starts pacing around, biting her lip in confusion. On one hand, she could stay in the safety of her library, like Jean would want. Or she could go out there and use her powers for the first time in ages to save Mondstadt. She peered out the window and there definitely wasn't any visible improvement of their situation. Just the thought of Jean getting hurt out there pained Lisa.

"I didn't even say a good farewell!" Lisa groaned. "I really have one choice, honestly," she said, while preparing herself both mentally and physically for the strain on her body. She grabbed potions from her workshop and picked up her catalyst. She looked like an actual witch now.

"No way am I leaving Jean alone. I'm done waiting." With that, Lisa marched out of the headquarters, and walked down the same path she watched the Acting Grand Master go down just 15 minutes ago. "Sorry Jean,"

It didn't take long for Lisa to arrive.

From behind her, Jean suddenly heard a familiar walk.

It couldn't be...

"Lisa!?" She yelled as she spun her head around. There she saw Lisa in her usual purple dress, a satchel on her, filled with potions, and her catalyst in hand. Lisa sheepishly smiled at Jean. They both knew the risks. Ever since that day, back in Sumeru Academy, when Lisa touched a cursed book. In exchange for almost endless knowledge and power, her life span was cut in half. So much power that if she was to use too much, she could end her own life, as it was too great for the mortal body and mind.

This may have a small effect on me, however, if it's for Jean, then, I will do anything.  

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now