Chapter 8 - Inner Conflict and Stuff

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A/N: Forgot to say this on last announcement, but YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! THANKS FOR SUPPORTING MY SHITTY BOOK!


19 December 08:30 AM

HoloEN's House

3rd POV






They had various reactions.

Kiara's brain was processing what just happened.

Ame's eyes were sparkling.

Gura had dull eyes with an expressionless face.

Calli approached Ina. Calmly.

"I~ NA~ CHAN~"

Ina was terrified by the tone she used.


"Since when?"

"... Yesterday. Before you girls meet up with me and Elvin."

They froze again.

"I didn't think Ina of all people would be the one who won Elvin first!" Kiara shouted with a surprised expression on her face.

"And here I thought Calli or Gura would be the one who will get him first. Eh, this is the most unexpected possibility happening right now." Ame muttered.

They felt conflicted. They knew most of them love Elvin. But they didn't know how to confess for various reasons.

"...First come first served." Ame said out loud.

They knew about that. The first one who confessed first will win. Didn't know about Calli or Kiara though.

They knew about the 'new rule' but the problem is, will he accept that? Let's put it aside for now.

"...You know? Something happened last night. And no, Ame. I told you, we didn't do 'that'. Anyways...."

And so, Ina told them what happened that night.


To say they are shocked is an understanding. And that proved something inside their minds.

Elvin didn't care about looks.

"He just pulled a thot slayer. I like it." Calli smiled. "He really does sees us from the heart. Happy to hear that."

"Finally, a man who doesn't think about boing boing!"

"With him being here, I haven't shown him my loud side. I don't know why, but for some reason, I'm not loud as usual. Will he accept a loud friend though?"

"Mm, even if I win his heart, I can't be with him forever, because I'm just a normal human. But still, will he stay by my side if I become older?"

"Yeah. But still, can't believe that Ina got him first." Gura sighed in defeat.

"Same here." Ame shook her head.

"Hey, there's a chance, I take it." Ina shrugged.

"Can't deny that." Kiara sighed.

"...After knowing about this, what will you do?" Ame asked them as they looked down, deep in thought.

[DISCONTINUED!] A Demon Meets the Vtubers (Hololive EN x Male OC x DMC)Where stories live. Discover now