Devour It All

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AN: Putting the OP made by myself, hmmmm sure why not, right ('ω')?

Novu: "Samuru, you have to battle Ain"

Samuru: "What?! Are you crazy?!"*lowered voice*

Novu: "This is the only way. I know how to deal to those wires and free Riki along with Dracyan"

Samuru: "Right, sure. Make it quick"*sighed*

Novu and Samuru ran on the opposite direction. Samuru raise Dravise to Ain for requesting a match. Ain grinned and accept the challenge. But, he still won't give up Riki to them, so ten rat bitzs appeared before Novu.

Novu: "This guy is so persistent!"

Ain click his finger and a b-daman emerged from the floor. It was the upgraded break bomber battlefield. Plus, it's not a hologram set but an original one. Meaning that the blocks will not disappeared. Samuru had a lot experiences with it. Unfortunately he never battle Ain before.

Ain: "You're the WBMA b-shot, i'm sure you know the rules, right?"

Samuru: "Yeah"

Ain: "B-shots!"

Samuru: "Ready! Aim!"

Both: "Fireblast!"

The white dragon b-shot start his battle against the black goat b-shot. Meanwhile, Novu busy destroying the robots. If he wants to destroy them all at once, he must have a perfect accuracy. Because he don't want to accidently destroy any device. It could be impact on Riki later.

Dragren: "Just use spirit link. Don't hesitate! I know you can do it"

Novu: "Alright, thanks Dragren"

"Novu] Spirit Link Activate"

(The light of the dragons emerge at the emblems)

"Novu & Dragren] Dragren Spirit mode unleashed!!!"

The red dragon b-animal release fire marbles from his mouth. The marbles hit the robots right on the mark. Novu rushed to Riki that struggling to free himself. Novu let out a scissor from his suit. Cutting the wires one by one with full concentration.

Novu: "One more....and done! Riki how do you feel?"

Novu trying to help Riki getting up. Riki rubbing his head because he feel dizzy after all what happened to him.

Riki: "I'm fine now because you freed me from that device. Thanks, Novu"

Novu: "Your welcome! Now, let's get Dracyan"

Riki: "Yeah"

With the support from Novu, Riki can walk properly. The two of them approach Dracyan who's also captive by a device. After analyzing the code on the board, Novu break the system. Dracyan eyes slowly blinking. He finally woke up from his deep slumber.

Dracyan: "Where am i?"

Riki: "Dracyan, thank goodness you are alright"

Riki grabbed Dracyan without hesitation and hug him. Dracyan tried to look around and recall his memories before his shut down. Yeah, they are in the middle of a huge mess right now!

Novu: "Wait, Dracyan you're back to the original ultimate set?"

Dracyan: "Yeah, thanks to Ain"

Novu: "Then, where's the parts now?"

Riki and Dracyan went silent. They looked at each other. Riki pulled Novu's arm and pointed his finger to the sleeping capsule. Novu saw it and to his surprise, there's a light blue b-daman beside it. The b-daman was shining like a little lamp.

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