Zodiac Time Beast

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NOTE: HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT  RIKI => HARU. Don't forget to play the song as well💖

Author POV...

The twins showed Haru around when on their way to the temple. Haku explained some general information too. The island was called Shio Island, they said that the island protected by the 12 zodiac beast. Plus, there were also families that represents the twelve zodiac. Toraishin, Usagino (Misaki's maiden name), Odorise were part of the zodiac families. The island were divided into 12 districts with one zodiac family in each district, except one district. Haru finally know a little about the Toraishin Family.

Haru: "Can i know more about Shio Island?"

Haku: "You can, but later. Trice will explain it to you when we got home"

Haru: "Alright"

The three arrived at the famous temple. It was so large and quite old, like a historic site. They entered it. In the temple there were a lot of statues and paintings in the walls. The twins guided Haru into the deepest part of the temple. Haru's jaw dropped when he saw the relic. It was a giant flat stone with animal symbols carved on it.

 It was a giant flat stone with animal symbols carved on it

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Haru: "Wow, Mystery....?!"(shocked)

Hana: "Yup, it is mystery. This is the relic of the 12 Zodiac Time Beasts"

Haru: "Why did i said that?"(his head starting to ache)

Haku: "Are you alright, Haru? Do you have a headache?"

Haru: "Don't worry, i just a little excited that's all"

Hana: "The legend of the 12 Zodiac Time Beasts was famous in Shio Island"

Haru: "There was a legend about it! I want to know!!!"(sparkling eyes)

Haku: "Okay, i will tell you about the legend"

The three sat on a bench in the temple while Haku told about the legend.


Long time ago, humans didn't know a thing about time. All they knew was day and night. Goddess of time was watching the humans behavior up in the sky. After that, the goddess determined to give the earth division of time. She summoned 13 animals on the earth to her palace up on the highest mountain. The order will determined accordingly by the first one to attend the castle.

Cat and Rat were one of the summoned animals. The Rat said to the Cat, "Dear my friend Cat, the goddess told us to go to the castle tomorrow". The Cat replied, "Oh, alright". Little did the Cat know that the goddess ordered them to gather today not tomorrow. So, the Rat smirked and left the Cat behind.

The race to the castle began. With his cunning moves, the Rat came first. The Ox, the one that tricked by the Rat came second. Luckily, he didn't mind at all to be on the second place. The Tiger slashed through the forest with his claws came third. The Rabbit hopped on the rocks and took a shortcut in her burrows came fourth. The Dragon flew on the sky came fifth. Even though he could easily took the first place because he was a superior being, but he was busy helping the creatures on his way.

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