Break The Cage

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Himiko: "Oh, my goodness! It's my first time to see ruins in the South Amazon!"

Gennosuke: "Calm down yourself, Himiko. It's rather surprising that the Cocodoro's family allow us to explore the ruins more"

Alba: "It's a honour for us to guide you. Because your people is the one who excel a miracle"

Today, Gennosuke Shigami and Himiko Day are visiting the ancient ruins in South City. But, actually this was Himiko's request. She wants to know about the legends of b-daman in Cross Island. Gennosuke doubted that the Cocodoros didn't accept the proposal. In the end, his worries just a waste.

Alba show them the pictures of the ancient civilization. He also told them about the the first appearance of b-crystal and the legends. The exploring goes on until they found themself in a b-daman battle arena. Of course, it's the same arena when Alba fought Riki and were the sphere given to the WBMA. 

Himiko excitingly looks at the arena. She touch the archaic walls and goes around. When she at the spot where the sphere been placed, she felt something. Rough and dusty at the wall. She cleared the dust that covered the wall. She surprised to see what she just found.

Himiko: "Gennosuke, Alba come here!"

Gennosuke: "What's wrong?"

Himiko: "Take a look!"(Gennosuke and Alba come over)

Gennosuke: "That's an ancient writings!"(surprised)

Gennosuke: "That's an ancient writings!"(surprised)

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( Just imagine that was ancient writings ^_~)

Himiko: "What kind of ancient writing is this?"

Alba : "I don't know either. It's my first time to see this"

Gennosuke: "You didn't realize about this?"(Alba nodded)

Himiko: "See it's not a waste to travel to Cross Island. We aren't going back with empty handed, right?"(smirk)

Gennosuke: "Hufft, alright. Let's take a picture of this and investigate it further. If it's okey?"

Alba: "You can do whatever you want, but..."

Diles: "You must kept the ruins a secret"

Both of them: "Of course, we will"

At the WBMA headquarters...

Both archeologist went back to the WBMA. They have to show to Mr. Takakura. They enter the building and found him at the usual office with his granddaughter Rory. Himiko gave Gennosuke a chip. Then, he place the chip in a device and a hologram of the ancient writings they found showed up.

Gennosuke: "Mr. Takakura, here's the new discovery that i want to show"

Grandpa Takakura: "Oh my, do you know what's the meaning of the writings?"

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