Chapter 1

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The sun came through your blinds and shone on your face. Slowly, your eyes fluttered opened, you blinked a few times and allowed your eyes to adjust to the morning light. Once your eyes were adjusted you sat up and stretched out your body. Before you actually got out of bed, you checked your phone for a text from your boyfriend, Charlie. But, there wasn't anything. Sighing, you forced yourself out of bed and to the bathroom.

"Good Morning Young Stark." The voice came through the speakers.

"Good Morning Friday." You replied.

"How did you sleep Young Stark?"

"I slept alright. But, you can call me Y/N."

"Yes I know. But, your father likes that I call you Young Stark." Friday explained.

"Of course he does." You laughed.

"Would you like me to play your morning playlist?"

"Yes please Friday!"

As the music began to play, you turned the shower on and got in. As you showered, you vibed to the music. When you finished in the shower, you got dressed in ripped jeans, boots, and a red tank top.

You left your room and went downstairs for breakfast. You weren't sure if your parents were down yet but, then again, you're not usually up when they get up. As you were getting some cereal down for breakfast, you heard a loud explosion coming from down in the basement. Quickly, you set the bowl down and ran down the stairs towards your dads lab.

Luckily for you, you were one of the few people with access to his lab. Once you got down the stairs, you put in your handprint and waited for the door to open. As soon as it opened, you were greeted with a face full of smoke. You fanned the smoke out of your face and entered the lab.

"Dad?" You called out.

"Oh. Morning Sweetie. I didn't wake you did I?" He asked, fanning the smoke.

"No. I was getting breakfast when I heard the explosion. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But, I can't say the same for the new suit upgrade."

"What were you working on?" You asked.

"I was trying to upgrade the homing feature. But, I think I crossed the wrong wires." He laughed. "Anyways. You want some breakfast kiddo?"

"Yeah. Breakfast sounds good!"

He smiled at you and walked around the table. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and walked out of the lab with you. The two of you walked up the stairs and into the kitchen. You sat down at the island and watched as your dad started to make the two of you breakfast.

Once breakfast was ready, he set a plate of food in front of you and sat down next to you. The two of you ate breakfast in silence, with the faint sounds of the birds chirping outside. You finished your breakfast before your dad did so, you cleared your plate and sat back down next to him, waiting for him to finish eating. When he finished, he cleared his plate and stood across from where you were sitting.

You looked up from your phone and at your dad. He was staring at you fairly intensely with a sly smile on his face. You knew that smile. That was the smile he got whenever he thought he knew something you didn't want him to know. Of course, he was always right. But, the more he smiled like that, the stronger your guys' relationship got. He was now your best friend and you couldn't be more proud.

"What?" You asked.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked.

"No? I've told you everything you'd ever need to know."

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