Chapter 2

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You woke up, lying on the floor with Wanda, Natasha, and your mom hovering over you. You blinked a couple of times and then sat up. Glancing besides you, you noticed a rock surrounded by a bunch of shattered glass. You grabbed the rock and took the note from around it.

Y/N, I really need to talk to you. Please let me explain. Meet me at our spot tonight at 10pm.


Instant anger surged through your body. Your eyes turned red and a small glow started to form around you. But, before you could do anything, your mom grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze. You took a deep breath and stood up. Walking over to your closet, you grabbed everything that you knew was Charlie's and threw it in the box on your bed.

"Sweetheart, what's going on?" Your mom asked.

"I'm meeting Charlie tonight at ten to give him all this shit back. I'll explain later." You responded, grabbing more things to throw in the box.

"What happened with Melanny?" Wanda questioned, sitting back down on your bed.

"I'll explain everything later, right now I just want to-"


Before you could respond to whoever knocked on your door, it fell off it's hinges. You looked up from the box and saw Bucky standing in your doorway. He blinked a couple of times and looked down at the door in disbelief. Natasha got up and walked over to him, pulling him into the room with her.

"Sorry about the door. I can fix it for you before you go to bed though." He said, walking over to you.

"It's no big deal. What do you want?" You asked, picking up the glass from your window.

"Your dad asked me to come get you guys. We're having a meeting or a mid-day party. Or something like that."

"Of course he's throwing a party. Come on girls." Your mom said, walking to the door.

"I'll be down in a bit." You started. "I want to fix my window and finish packing this stuff first."

"I can fix the window. If you want." Bucky suggested.

You shrugged, "sure. Go for it."

You walked back into the closet and got the sweatshirts that were Charlie's and put them in the box as well. You could hear Bucky move around the room, putting up the new glass for the window and muttering to himself about the door.

Once you were sure you got everything of Charlie's, you closed the box and grabbed a new one for Melanny's stuff. Bucky was standing on your balcony leaning over the side to fix the window that the rock flew through. You stepped out onto your balcony and grabbed the little statue that was out there. As you went to walk back into your room, you accidentally bumped into Bucky and dropped the statue.

The two of you looked down at the pieces of the statue, then looked back up at each other. You sighed and pushed past Bucky. You walked over to your window seat and opened the drawer of the cabinet that was set up next to the seat. You pulled out a small book of pictures and sat down on your window seat.

As you flipped through the book, tears started to form in your eyes. Every moment of your friendship with Melanny was in this book. From diaper days to high school, your parents took pictures of the two of you. A tear rolled down your cheek as you flipped to your guys' first day of 8th grade.


You just finished breakfast and were waiting for Melanny's mom to honk her horn, letting you know that they were there to pick you up. As you waited, you helped your dad down in his lab and he helped you get prepared for your last year of middle school.

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