Chapter 7

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The next day, your dad drove the two of you to the Avengers compound. As the two of you pulled up, you saw Steve standing outside. He looked when he heard your car and walked over to the drivers side. Your explained some things about the time travel issues, while you got out and walked to the trunk. You overheard bits and pieces of their conversation but, finally they made a deal and shook on it.

Your dad walked over to you, with Steve right behind him. You opened the trunk, stepped back, and watched as your dad reached in and grabbed Cap's shield. He dumped Morgan's toys off of it and held it up to Steve. Steve looked down at the shield and sighed. He shook his head in disagreement.

"Tony, I don't know." He said.

"Why? He made it for you." Your dad countered.

"Plus, we had to get it out of the garage before Morgan took it sledding." You added.

Your dad nodded and handed the shield to Steve. Steve put it on and looked between your dad and you. The three of you, then walked into the compound and waited for the other Avengers to arrive. According to Steve, they were working on getting a whole team together.

While you waited, you showed Steve, Nat, and Bruce the bracelet that your dad made for you. You explained to them how it worked, and then demonstrated it. Nat smiled when she saw how happy being apart of the team made you. Steve ruffled your hair, then walked out of the room. You fixed your hair, put your suit away, and followed him out.

Around lunch time, a space ship landed outside of the compound. You watched out the window as Nebula and Rocket walked off of the ship. A few moments after they did, you saw Rhodey land and Bruce walk over to the ship. You rushed from the window and down to the front door to say hi to everyone. Rhodey hugged you and asked how you were doing. You answered as honestly as you could, and led him to where the others were waiting.


The next day, you woke up, got dressed, and went down stairs. A few minutes after you got down there, Thor, Bruce, Rocket, Nat, and Clint walked in. You said hi to everyone and then went to help your dad with the time machine. Rocket helped the two of you as well, he helped in the building and assembly parts of it.

Once everything was ready, you stood by with the everyone else and watched as they did a test run with Clint. Bruce counted down from three, then Clint disappeared. Woah. He was only gone for about ten seconds but, when he came back, he was grunting and holding a baseball mitt. Everyone ran up to him, to make sure he was okay. Once he confirmed that he was okay, he held up the baseball mitt. You glanced around to everyone, they were all thinking the same thing you were. It worked.

After the meeting about the infinity stones, everyone else was getting ready to go back in time and get the stones. Meanwhile, you walked around the compound looking for your dad. He wasn't in any of his usual spots, which was weird to you. You were sure that he'd at least be having a drink in the bar. But, he wasn't there. It was like he disappeared. Which, made you worry a little bit.

Finally, you heard him talking in one of the bedrooms. Confused, you set your ear on the door and tried to listen in on what he was saying. But, you couldn't really hear much of it. The only thing you heard was him saying 'I love you 3000.' You stepped away from the door and went to knock. But, just as you went to knock, the door swung open.

"Kiddo? What's wrong?" Your dad asked.

"Nothing. I was just looking for you, everyone else is getting ready to go." You explained.

"Okay, I'll go suit up."

He started to walk away but, you stopped him.

"Hey dad? Who were you talking to?"

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