Chapter 6

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Months have passed since Thanos snapped, and half of the population was still gone. Thor returned to Asgard, Nat stayed in the compound, Bruce went on a Hulk-retrieving mission, Steve stayed in his apartment in Brooklyn, and your parents and you moved to a cabin in the woods.

You walked down the stairs and into your dad's mini-lab. He was sitting at one of his desks, muttering to himself. You walked up next to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at you and smiled. He stood up and the two of you went outside for training.

Since the attack, your dad has been enforcing more training on you. Every second of training counted and was well worth it. Because, now, if anything ever attacked your family or yourself, you'd have better control over your powers. Meaning, you could actually save everyone this time.

"Tony! Y/N! It's time for lunch!" Your mom's voice rang through the trees.

"Five more minutes mom!" You yelled back.

"No, come wash up!"

"We better not keep her waiting Kiddo. She might make us sleep in the shed." Your dad joked.

You chuckled and walked alongside him back to your house. The two of you washed up and sat down at the table. Your mom set a plate in front of you, then set the food down in the middle of the table. She had made chicken patties and macaroni and cheese for lunch. You grabbed a bun and put a chicken patty on it with ketchup, mayo, and mustard. Then, grabbed a spoonful of Mac and Cheese.

After lunch, you helped your mom clean up the table and did the dishes. Once the dishes were done and put away, you went back outside for a little more training. Except, your dad was taking a nap so, you were training by yourself this time.

After a couple of hours, you finally went back inside and took a shower. You got into a pair of lounge shorts, and an oversized t-shirt, then went down stairs. Your parents were sitting on the couch watching TV when you walked into the living room. You sat down on the floor in front of them and grabbed a book off the table.

"Why do you come down here to read? Isn't it quieter in your room?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah but, I like spending time with my parents." You said, turning the page.

"Really? Pep, our daughter likes hanging out with us."

"I've noticed Tony. Aren't we just the luckiest parents in the world?" Your mom said, smiling.

"We really are. Even though she's a punk sometimes." Your dad said, ruffling your hair.

"I get it from you dad." You stuck out your tongue.

He stuck his tongue out back at you and used his foot to poke your book. You smacked his foot with the book, which just caused him to try and stick his foot in your face. You used your book to try and cover your face but, your dad was too fast. His stinky foot was stuffed in your face, causing you to gag.

Your mom laughed as you gagged and fake passed out. Whereas, your dad, dramatically stood up and ran to your side. He held you in his arms and pretended to cry. You heard your mom giggle a little bit, then your dad set you back on the ground.

"You think our daughters death is funny Pepper!?" He fake shouted.

"Of course not Tony. It's just, I think you're overreacting a bit here." She said.

"Overreacting?! How am I-"

Before he was able to finish his sentence, you jumped up and tackled him to the ground. You heard your mom laugh as the two of you wrestled on the ground. You reached up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down with the two of you.

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