Chapter 4

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"Well, your dad was so sure that it was him. So, before I found you. I found him, and I killed him." He gave you a nervous smile.

"You killed him? Why?" You questioned.

"I thought he was the one who hurt you. And your dad gave me the okay."

You shook your head at him and smiled a little to yourself. You sighed deeply and forced yourself to stand up. As you stood up, so did Bucky. He grabbed your arm and helped you steady yourself. You smiled up at him and pointed to your bed. He nodded and helped you walk over to your bed, then helped you lie down.

He sat down next to you and looked at your bedside table. He reached over and started to mess with your lamp. You watched as he struggled with the lamp, obviously trying to turn it on. You sat up and set a hand on his shoulder. He looked over at you and handed you the lamp.

Smiling, you flipped the little switch on the side and set the lamp back down on your table. You dimmed the lights a little and stared up at the ceiling. Bucky looked up in awe and watched as the stars and planets danced around your room.

"This was a gift from my dad. He keeps trying to sneak off with it to update it. Whatever that means." You said, smiling.

"It's nice. Very relaxing." Bucky said.

"Yeah, that's what it's for."

You yawned and laid back down. You continued to watch the lights spin around the ceiling and slowly drifted off to sleep. You heard Bucky stand up, then felt him kiss your cheek.

You heard your bedroom door close, then heard his footsteps receding down the hallway. This isn't right. And you knew that you couldn't pursue this any further. Not only had you just gotten out of a relationship but, this guy wasn't going to pass your dads ridiculous boyfriend checks.

The next morning, you woke up to music playing over the speakers. You rubbed your head and forced yourself to sit up. Your body was still sore from the night before and your head was throbbing. You glanced over to your bedside table and saw a napkin with a couple of small pills on them and a glass of water with a note.

Figured you would need these. Hope you feel better soon. - BB

Sighing, you grabbed the water and took the pills. You forced yourself to get out of bed and head downstairs for breakfast. Since your leg was broken, you had to fly if you wanted to get anywhere so, thats what you did. You entered the kitchen and smiled at Happy who was sitting at the table eating pancakes.

"Good Morning Y/N. Are you hungry?" He asked, standing up.

"Morning Hap. No, I'm alright actually, is Dad in his lab?" You said.

Happy nodded and you headed down towards the lab. As you headed down the stairs, you noticed that the wall had scorch marks from the fight a couple nights ago. Seeing that made you feel bad, it was just another thing that your dad was going to have to fix.

When you got down to the lab, you put in your hand print and went through the door. Your dad was fixing up the things that broke in the fight and having his robots clean up the lab. You picked up the Dum-E robot and dusted him off.

You moved over to the car that you had landed on and lightly brushed your hand over the dent that was left. In the corner, you heard your dad let out a frustrated groan and throw down his tools. You hovered over to him, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Morning Kiddo. I wasn't expecting you up this early." He said, looking up at you.

"Morning dad. Friday was playing music and it woke me up." You said, pulling up a stool.

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now