Chapter 9

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You ran down the stairs and immediately started to look for him. There was one guy, in specific, that you wanted to ask to Prom and you were determined to do so. You went all around the down stairs looking for him, when you couldn't find him, you headed down to the lab in the garage. When you got to the lab, you noticed that it was empty. A sad feeling washed over you as you realized that for a while, this is what the lab would be like. You shook off the feeling and ran back up the stairs, then outside.

When you got outside, you saw everyone who had attended the funeral. You said hi to Harley, as you walked by him but, he didn't seem to hear you. You stopped looking for your potential date, and stopped to have an actual conversation with Harley. Halfway through the conversation, you looked up and saw him. You excused yourself from your conversation and quickly ran in his direction.

As you got closer, you started to call out his name. He, along with Steve, Sam, and Bruce stopped walking, and turned around to face you. He glanced between the other three guys, then took a couple of steps towards you. You stopped running and started to catch your breath. Once you were a little more calmed down, you looked between the four of them, and tensed up.

"Doll? You alright?" Bucky asked, stepping closer to you.

"Yeah, you look a little pale girl." Sam added.

"Do you need water or anything?" Steve asked, worriedly.

"Maybe she needs to sit down?" Bruce suggested.

You shook your head, and took another deep breath. "No. I'm fine, I just need to ask Barnes a question."

"What's up?"

"In private.. please?"

The other three took the hint and walked off. Both Bucky and you watched as they walked away and out of ear shot. Just to be safe, you turned around and made sure no one else was listening to the two of you.

"Is everything alright? You're freaking me out." Bucky's voice caused you to look at him again.

"Yeah, I just have a really important question for you." You said.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Will you be my date to the prom?"

His concerned look dropped, and you saw a smile tug at his lips. "Your date to the prom? Really? You don't want to go with Parker or that other kid over there?"

"No. Harley is like a brother and Peter already has a date." You said, shyly.

"I'd love to be your date Doll. What color do I need to wear?"


"When are you getting your dress?" He asked.

"I already have one." You smiled.

"Can I see it? Y'know, so I know what red to get?"

"No. You have to wait until the prom."

He smiled a little and nodded. You thanked him, and watched as he turned and walked away. You didn't realize it when you were talking to him but, your heart was beating out of your chest. After taking a few deep breaths, you walked back towards the house and sat down on the front steps.

Harley and Peter soon sat down on either side of you. The three of you sat in silence for a couple of minutes but, the silence was broken when Happy called out to the three of you. Simultaneously, you three turned around and saw that he was holding cheeseburgers. You smiled to yourself, jumped up, and grabbed a couple from him. The two boys followed behind you, also grabbing cheeseburgers from Happy.

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now