Chapter 8

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Your voice came out a hoarse whisper. "Dad?"

You landed on the ground in front of him. Peter had taken a few steps back and stood behind your mom and you. Your mom knelt down next to your dad and grabbed his hand. You knelt down next to her and grabbed his other hand. The tears formed in your eyes but, you did your best to blink them back.

Your dad's eyes gazed from you to your mom, then back to you. Next to you, your mom let out a small whimper. She kissed his cheek and ran her free hand through his hair. You let out a small sigh and looked down at your dads hand. You took your other hand and held his hand between the both of yours.

"Dad? Dad can you hear me?" You asked, with a coarse voice.

Slowly, he turned his head towards you. "Hey Kiddo."

"Dad. You did it, we won. We really won this time, it's over. Dad please don't go. I need you please, dad."

"Hey." Your moms voice came from beside you.

Softly, your dad answered back. "Hey Pep."


"Life functions critical." Friday responded.

You lowered your head and grasped your dads hand tighter. Your mom set her hand on his chest plate and he covered her hand with his. The tears in your eyes were trying to force their way out but, you weren't going to let them. You lifted your head once more and looked up at him. He smiled at your mom and you, and the two of you gave small smiles back.

"Tony? Hey, look at me." Your mom said.

You watched as his gaze left from you and moved over to your mom.

"We're gonna be okay." She smiled. "You can rest now."

He slowly turned his head back to you, and you gave him one last smile. "I love you 3000 dad."

You listened as he took his last breath and the light on his chest plate faded away. Your mom and you both immediately started to break down. Your mom kissed his cheek and you set your head on his shoulder.


After a couple of days, it was time for your dads funeral. You put on a black skirt, with a black long sleeve shirt, black leggings, and a pair of boots. You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, before trying to mentally prepare yourself for what was coming. Before you left, there was a small knock on your bedroom door. You turned around and called out to the person on the other side.

The door opened, and you were greeted by Bucky's soft smiling face. You gave him a weak smile back and walked over to your bed. You sat down on the foot of it, and he walked over to sit next to you. There it was again. That comfortable silence that came with the two of you. You both sat there, saying nothing for a while. At least, until a small whimper left your lips. You sighed and wiped your eyes.

Bucky wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. He gently placed your head down on his shoulder and remained silent. You silently sobbed into his shoulder, still not being able to process what happened.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. He's still with you y'know." Bucky said, breaking the silence.

"I know. But, it sucks Barnes. It sucks so much." You said, wiping your eyes again.

"I know Doll. But, I'll help you get through it, and you still have your mom and the other Avengers."

"Yeah but, it's not the same. I still need him. I mean, who's going to give me bad advice to do the stupid things I want to do?"

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now