Chapter 3

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The sound of things shattering down stairs woke you up the next morning, causing you to shoot out of bed. You jumped to your feet and ran out of your room and down the stairs. When you got down the stairs, you looked around but, didn't see anyone anywhere.

You walked from the living room, to the kitchen, and to the family room but, never saw anyone. So, you decided to go downstairs and check your dad's lab. The further down the stairs you got, the louder the noises got. As you got down the last few steps, you were ready for a fight.

You rounded the corner and peered into the lab. Empty. Confused, you put in your handprint and stepped into the lab. You walked around for a little bit, making sure nothing was out of place but, there wasn't anything or anyone in there.

You shrugged it off and decided to go back upstairs to get ready for training. But, as you were leaving the lab, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You turned back around and that's when you saw something move in the corner of the room.

Carefully, you made your way over to your dad's testing area and quietly turned on the camera just in case something happened. Once the camera was recording and set to the corner, you slowly made your way over to where you saw movement.

This was a stupid idea, and you knew it. You should go get your parents or an Avenger but, you weren't really thinking straight. Before you made it to the corner, someone came at you from your left. They punched you in the face, sending you flying into the wall.

You recovered and focused a small amount of power into your hands for the Ultraviolet Energy power that you just recently found out you had. The red glow formed around your hands and you looked up at your attacker.

The person you were looking at, had a mask on so, you couldn't tell if you knew them or not. Which meant you didn't know if you should go easy on them or not. But, as they started to shoot at you, you realized that you didn't really have a choice.

Quickly, you ducked behind one of the tables and waited for your chance to strike. Once you had an opening, you jumped out from behind the table and immediately started shooting energy bolts at your attacker.

Thankfully for you, you were able to land a couple of hits on them. But, not enough. They stood up and charged right towards you. You jumped up and darted towards the other side of the room to try and get upstairs. But, before you were able to make it to the door, your attacker knocked you down. You went flying across the room and into one of your dads cars. They're using dad's tech? How'd they even get access to it?

Groaning, you rolled off of the car and stood up. You conjured up a small tornado and sent it towards the enemy. You hoped that it would be strong enough, considering that you still didn't have full control over your powers if your emotions were too high. Using the torando as a distraction, you made your way to the entrance of the lab and headed up the stairs.

"Friday! I need you to wake up either mom or dad or any of the Avengers! Tell them we're under attack!" You yelled, running up the steps.

"Right away Young Stark. Should I start your father's suits as well?" Friday asked.

Right before you were about to respond, another blast hit you in the back, sending you flying forward. You hit the ground hard and slid across the floor a little ways. Coughing, you tried to get up but, it was hard for you to move. You turned your head to the stairs and watched as the attacker ascended.

You struggled for a bit but, finally managed to get up and attempt to stand your ground. As the attacker got up the steps, you sent energy blasts towards them and tried to keep them at bay. But, it wasn't working. So, you did the only thing you could think of.

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