Chapter 5

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A few weeks went by and the Avengers were as busy as ever. Ever since the alien attack, they've been so focused on trying to learn everything they can about this Thanos guy, that it actually started to worry you. Your dad wasn't sleeping right and if he did sleep, it was usually downstairs in his lab.

Your mom was trying to keep her composure but, you knew that she was worried about everything. Your dad, you, the company, Thanos. Everything. And to make matters worse, you still couldn't control your powers when your emotions ran high. Since the attack, you've been non-stop training but, it wasn't enough.

You climbed out of the ring and got some water. Today's training was intense but, your mom and dad told you it was for the best. You mainly trained with Steve or Thor and occasionally Hulk to test your powers. But, for regular strength training, you trained with Natasha and Wanda.

Your dad set his hand on your shoulder and nodded his head towards the door. Confused, you followed him out of the gym and down to his lab. The two of you walked into the lab and you sat on top of one of the tables. You watched as he moved around the lab, and finally dragged a case over to you.

"What's in the case?" You asked.

"Well, you know how I've been working on a super-secret project?" He asked, excitedly.


"Help me bring the case upstairs and I'll show you what it is."

You jumped off of the table and helped him carry the case up to one of the meeting rooms. He gathered the other Avengers and your mom into the room. You sat down at the table next to your mom and looked over at her. She shrugged at you, then turned her attention back to your dad.

Friday dimmed the lights and brought up the screens for your dads presentation. Your dad brought up a video of you fighting the aliens in the suit that he had given you. You didn't even know he had a video of you fighting, nor did you know how he would've gotten one.

"Avengers, Pepper, and my Problem Child. What you're looking at here is a video of my daughter, Y/N, fighting some aliens a few weeks ago." Your dad started. "The suit she's wearing was the first design that I made for her hero suit."

"It was a horrible design dad. Sorry but, it was." You added.

"I know. I told you it was a prototype. But, anyways, I modified it. Now, Y/N please step into the case."

Hesitantly, you got up and walked over to your dad. He nodded and smiled at you, then opened the case. You stepped in and the doors shut behind you. Glancing around, you didn't see anything special about the case.

"Uh dad? What exactly is this thing?" You asked, setting a hand on the door.

"Just give it a second Kiddo, it's turning on." Your dad responded.

The case started to whir and you were surrounded by lights. You covered your eyes with your arms and waited for them to adjust to the sudden brightness. Once they were adjusted, you glanced around the case again. All you saw was yourself.

All of a sudden there was a white ring on the bottom of the case. You watched as the ring slowly moved up from your feet. As it moved, your outfit started to completely change.

Black thigh high boots were the first part of the outfit change. Next was leg armor with a black skirt, with a silver belt. You watched as the armor moved up your torso and covered your chest and arms. A gorget wrapped around your neck and was followed by a black crop top. The gorget connected to the top of your shirt. You lifted your arms and watched as gauntlets formed from the tops of your hands and went up to just before your elbows. Staring at your self in the mirror, you saw that there were red jewels on your gorget, belt, and gauntlets.

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now