Chapter 10

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"You." You finally managed. "All I could think about was you and if you were okay. Or if I was ever going to be able to see you again."

The room fell silent, and this time it wasn't the comfortable silence that you were used to. This time, it was awkward. You glanced over at Bucky, he was staring down at his hands, with his brows furrowed. You glanced down at your own hands, wondering what to say to break the awkward silence. But, nothing came to mind. So, you were forced to sit there with him, in the uncomfortable silence, hoping he would say something.

Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. You so desperately wanted to say something, to at least ease your nerves but, every time you tried, nothing came out. The two of you sat in silence for just a couple of minutes, before Bucky stood up and walked out of your room. Leaving you alone, wishing you hadn't said anything about it, or at least lied. You sighed and stood up, turning off your overhead light and shutting your door all the way.

You climbed into your bed and reached over to turn your lamp on. The galaxy spun around your room, slowly calming your nerves. With each second, your eyes fell heavier and heavier. Soon, your eyes were shut completely, and you were sound asleep.

When you woke up the next morning, it was to someone shaking you awake. Your eyes blinked open, and you turned your head to look at them. Morgan was standing next to you, violently shaking your arm, trying to get you to wake up. You sat up, rubbed your head and pulled her up onto your bed with you.

"Morg? What time is it?" You asked, sleepily.

"Y/N! There's a strange man downstairs with Mommy!" She said, frightened.

"What? Stay here."

You jumped out of bed, accidentally pulling your blanket with you. As you ran out of your door and down the hall, your foot got caught in your blanket, causing you to trip and hit your head on the corner of the table in the hall. Groaning, you kicked your blanket off you and stood up. You ran down the stairs, and into the living room.

As you rounded the corner into the living room, the only people you saw were your mom, Sam, Happy, Bucky, and Nick Fury. Your mom looked up at you from her cup of tea and gasped. Quickly, she got up and rushed over to you, carefully grabbing your head. She used her thumb and wiped your forehead. You watched as she brought her thumb down and noticed that it was wet with fresh blood. Confused, you reached up to where you hit your head and felt around. Your head was definitely bleeding. You let out another groan as your mom told you to sit down.

You walked over to your dad's chair and sat down. You glanced up the stairs, and saw Morgan carefully peeking out from the railing. You waved down to her, letting her know it was okay to come down. As she walked down the hall and down the stairs, you rested your chin in your hand and waited for your mom to come back.

When your mom came back into the room, she had an ice pack and the first aid kit with her. She sat down on the coffee table in front of you and started to clean the blood off your forehead. You winced as she applied the hydrogen peroxide to your wound. She apologized and bandaged it as quickly as she could. Once you had a bandaid on, she handed you the ice pack and went to put the first aid kit away.

"What happened?" Your mom asked, as she walked back into the living room.

"I hit my head on the table in the hallway." You said.

"How did you manage that?" Sam questioned.

"Morgan woke me up saying there was a strange man down here with my mom. So, I shot out of bed, and came running down. But, my blanket got caught around my foot and I tripped in the hallway, hence hitting my head on the table."

Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now