01. School Day

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( « school day » )

I WOKE UP to a nice shiny day

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I WOKE UP to a nice shiny day. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 8:30AM, my eyes widened and realized that Simon was gonna be at my house in 10 minutes to pick me up from school. I rolled out of my bed, but my foot got stuck in the blanket, so I fell on the floor.

"You alright up there" My mom asked.

"Yeah I'm ok, I just tripped on my blanket" I replied.

I got up off of the ground and walked over to get my cheer uniform from my closet, and then walk into my bathroom to get changed. While I'm getting dressed, and doing my hair, let me tell you about myself.

Hi, I'm Y/n Berman, daughter of C. (Christine) Berman. A lot of people have heard of my mom, I still don't know how, but hopefully one day I'll find out. I was raised in ShadySide, one of the worst towns to ever live in. People die all the time here, that's why SunnyVale hates us.

SunnyVale is our rival town, they hate us because normal people turn into killers, which I always thought was very weird, and we hate them because they're assholes, always thinking they're better than us. They wouldn't be thinking that if they had to live in this shitty town.

They have perfect lives, and of course I'm jealous. Anyways, back to talking about me. I love the color red, and I also love blood, I know it's a little weird, but I'm a weird teenager, so it all works out.

I have 3 best friends; Kate, Simon, and Deena, I had one more friend, her name was Sam, but she moved and became a SunnyValer. I hate SunnyVale so much. But um...yeah, this is my life!!!

"Y/n, Simon's outside waiting for you" I heard my mom say from downstairs.

"Ok, I'm coming" I say as I put my shoes on and run downstairs.

"Bye mom" I say.

"Bye sweetie, please be careful"

"I will" I yell and run out to Simon's car. She's worried for me because of what happen last night to, 'Heather Watkins'. She was murdered by her best friend, 'Ryan Torres'. He also killed 6 other people in the mall also. Kind of messed up.

"Hey Mini B" Simon said once I got in the car. That's what he call me. 'Mini', cause I'm short, and the 'B' stands for my last name, 'Berman'.

"Sup, and I told you to stop calling me that" I said as we drove off to school. To be honest, I like that nickname, and I may or may not have a small crush on him...ok it's a big crush, but I can't help it, he'a cute, hot, and funny.

"Well I like it, so imma keep calling you it" He did his famous little smirk that I love so much, but obviously he doesn't know that.

WE FINALLY GOT to school and then went to Simon's locker to grab a white box with a red ribbon on it from his locker. Once he got it, we walked into the girls bathroom.

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