03. Accidental Crash

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( « accidental crash »)

"GUY'S, COME HERE! Come here" Deena yelled, then Kate and Simon came back here getting high fives from people

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"GUY'S, COME HERE! Come here" Deena yelled, then Kate and Simon came back here getting high fives from people. Another glass bottle was thrown, but this time we didn't duck.

"You gotta be kidding me" Kate said.

"Hey isn't that, uh..." Simon trailed off.

"Sam" Deena whispered, and she grabbed the cooler from behind her. Simon pulled down his pant and put his but on the door.

"SunnyVale sucks" Simon said as another bottle was thrown at the window, and Simon pulled up his pants and fell to the floor of the bus.

Deena took off the top of the cooler. "Open the door" She said to me.

"Open the door" She said again, and this time I opened it.

"This is definitely a good idea, right" Kate asked.

"Deena?" I asked.

"On three, ok" Deena said, ignoring us.

"Are you sure" Kate asked.

"One, two-"

"Deena!" I said, and she finally looked at us.


I gasped and let go of the cooler. "Your nose"

Deena accidentally dropped the cooler, and it hit Peter's car, and they drove into the woods.

"Stop! Stop the bus" Deena yelled to the bus driver. Once he stopped, me and Deena jump out of the back door and ran into the woods to find the car.

"Sam!" Deena said once we found them, and we both kneeled down.

"Are you ok? I'm so...I'm sorry" Deena said.

"Stay away from her, you bull d*ke freak" Peter said.

"Shut the hell up, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't started throwing bottles at our bus" I said sassy.

"Sam it's me. I'm here" Deena said.

"Did you...see" Sam asked.


We heard twigs snap behind us, and we turned around to see Simon and Kate.

"Oh shit!" Simon said when he saw her nose.

"Ok, we should not be down here" Kate told me and Deena.

"Shut up, help me carry her" Deena said.

"We need to leave, like ten minutes ago" Kate said.

"We have to clear her airway" Simon said, reaching towards Sam.

Deena slap his hand away. "Quit it"

"Hey! I got this. Chill out"

"I got this" He said to Sam.

"How many fingers am I holding up" He asked Sam, as he put three fingers up to her face.

"Three" She replied.

"See! She's fine" He said to Deena. But he was obviously wrong because she then spit blood on his shirt.

"Oh, my God" Kate said disgusted.

"Oh. Ugh" Simon also disgustingly said. I wasn't grossed out by it, because like I said before, I like blood, so I don't really think it's gross.

"What the fuck" Simon got up off the ground and said.

"Y/N BERMAN" THE sheriff asked me.

"That is mwah, what do you want" I asked.

"Wanna tell me what happened"

"The car crashed"

"Was it pursuing you"

"Well, it's was driving behind the bus. Does that count as pursuing"

"The driver said that before the crash someone opened the emergency exit"

"I don't remember that"


"He also said that he saw you and your friend Deena with a cooler"

"Did anyone else see that"

"Maybe you were just, um...goofing around. Things got out of hand. Why don't you just tell me what happened"

"Like I asked, did anyone else see that? Alright then, they're from SunnyVale, and SunnyValers are liars. It was a freak accident" I told the sheriff. There's something wrong with him that I just don't like.

"Alight. Well, if you think of anything, give me a call" He said and handed me a piece of paper with his number written on it, and I took it.

"I'm on your side" He said.

"Yeah, totally" I said and walked away, I didn't believe him.

While I was walking away, Peter grabbed my arm. "My car, is totaled"

"Well, Daddy will buy you a new one" I said smirking.

He looked behind me at Sheriff Goode and then pulled me into a hug so it looked like we were all good.

"ShittySide trash" He said in my ear. "You are all fucking...dead"

I pushed him off of me and we walked away from each other.

"You alright" Deena asked when I got over to her, Simon, and Kate.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Peter just threatened to kill all of us" I told them.

"What? SunnyVale trash" Kate said.

"That's what he said, but he said ShadySide instead of SunnyVale" I said.

"I fucking hate that bastard" Simon admitted.

"You look ridiculous with that green face paint" I laughed and he smiled.

I thought this was good! This story is actually easy to write. Anyways love you!!! 💕💕💕

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/20/2021

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