09. The School

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( « the school » )

RIGHT NOW WE'RE at our high school to get change and because Josh had a plan

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RIGHT NOW WE'RE at our high school to get change and because Josh had a plan. Simon can back with the 'lost & found' bucket of clothes, and we all started searching for something to wear, except for Sam, because there was no use for her to change.

"Alright, we have to decontaminate" Josh said. "You can't have any of Sam's blood on you"

"Not much I can do about that" Sam said, and walked away. After Deena grabbed clothes, she followed her.

"Deena, you have to get clean too! Not a single drop, ok" Josh yelled to her and she nodded. Me, Kate, Simon, and Josh went to the bathrooms.

"Rub-a-dub-dub time" Simon said I'm a funny way.

"Hey wait, Josh come with me, and Y/n go with Simon" Kate said and I smirked at her. I heard Josh whispering something as he walked past me.

"You'll be alright Josh" I said and I walked into the boys' bathroom.

"Kate told me to come in here, and Josh to go with her" I told Simon once I walked in.

"Okay" He smiled, and I walked into one of the stalls.

"Hey Simon?" I said getting undressed.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you think we'll be ok? Like, we're gonna make it out alive. All of us"

"Of course we'll be ok. Nothing gonna happen to you, me, and the rest of them"

"Ok. Hey, can you check my back to see if I have any blood on me"

"Yeah sure" He says, and walked into the stall that I'm in. He turned me around so my back was facing him. He checked up and down to see if there was any blood.

"Nope. No blood" He said, and let go of my shoulders. I turned around and saw that we were standing really close together.

"Can I kiss you" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded.

He placed his hands on my lower back and pulled me closer, as if we weren't close enough. I placed my hands around his neck, and we both leaned in. Next thing I know his soft lips are placed against mine, and he pushed me against the wall. The kiss started out slow and passionate, then it started to get faster and heated.

He started to kiss down my jawline, then to my neck. My breathing started to become heavier. I threw my head against the wall. I moaned a little when he found my sweet spot. This made smile and he started the suck in it. My breathing was now very heavy and I bit my lip to keep my moans inside of me.

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