08. Putting Bones To Rest

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( « putting bones to rest » )

WE ARRIVED AT the spot where Peter's car crashed in the woods

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WE ARRIVED AT the spot where Peter's car crashed in the woods. I just noticed that Deena and Sam never told us what happened to Peter. All they said was that Peter wasn't the one dressed in the Skull Mask costume, and Deena said that it was Ryan Torres. I know Peter was at the hospital so he's probably dead now.

"I can't believe you guys are wearing that" Deena said to Kate and I.

"I can't believe you're above wearing it when we're in the middle of the fucking woods" Kate replied.

"Not to mention that dead maniacs are after us" I finished and we all walked down to Peter's car.

"Ok, so I fell out of the car...here" Sam said kneeling down to imitating where she fell.

"I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding. And then..." She paused.

"I feel something" She said and pulled out chains from underneath the red moss on the ground.

"Chains?" Kate questioned.

"Not just chains" Simon answered and pointed his flashlight at the skull that was connected to them.

"Holy shit"

"Oh my gosh"

"No way"

Josh pulled the chains out further and found a lock with writing on it. "Fier" He read on the lock.

"It's her. It's her grave"

"Oh no, no, no. This is bad! This is really bad" Simon said.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave" I said.

"Now she's sending her henchmen after us" Josh whispered and my eyes widened.

"Henchmen? As in every one of those sickos on your wall is going to be coming after us" Kate asked silently. Suddenly me and Josh heard a twig snap.

"Did you hear that" Josh asked and Kate turned around, but we didn't see anybody.

"Hold up. Hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right" Simon asked.

"Yeah. So?" Deena replied.

"So, let's un-disturb it! Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest"

"That's so stupid" Deena said.

"That's genius" Josh said.

"Yeah! In-in 'Poltergeist'!" Simon said and we heard twigs snap again. This time we all heard it and looked towards the sound, and still, we didn't see anything or anyone.

"Whatever. Let's just do this quickly so we can go home" Kate said. She's obviously freaked out, so am I.

Me and Josh get up and start walking with our flashlights to where we heard the twigs snap. I'm kind of scared right now, and trust me, I'm never scared.

"Deena, Deena, find something to like rap her bones" Simon says while him and Kate were digging.

"Guys! Guys I think there's someone in the woods" Josh said.

"We need to hurry" I yell over to them.

"There, there! We're sorry" I heard Simon whisper.

"Did it work" Kate asked them, and then yelled over to us.

"Did it work"

Me and Josh looked around with our flashlights and didn't see anything. We looked around once more and saw the Camp NightWing killer run straight towards us. I grabbed Josh out of the way and he ran right past us and went towards Sam.

"NO!" Simon yells and we all start running.

"RUN! GO, RUN!" Deena yells and grabs Sam's arm and starts running.

"RUN! RUN! GO! COME ON, GO! START THE CAR! GO" Deena yells more and we all get in the ambulance and Kate speeds off.

"That was the Camp NightWing killer" Josh says.

"That was a bust" I say.

"Yeah, maybe because it's not like the movies. Ok, it's not as easy as putting bones to rest" Deena says as she hands Sam a wash cloth to wipe her nose.

"It should've worked. It always works" Simon said.

"Maybe it's her missing hand" Josh said.

"Who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. Hey, how do I not die" Kate yells from the front.

"We! How do we not die" Simon corrects. "And I'm looking at you, witch nerd"

"I-I don't know" Josh stutters.

"They're not coming for us" Sam yells. "They're coming for me"

"What?" Deena asked.

"I saw her again... The witch. She...I disturbed her grave. She wants me"

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. N-NightWing ran right by us. Y/n pulled me out of his way, it was like he didn't even see us. He went for her" Josh exclaimed.

"Yeah, he's right. He didn't care about us. He wanted Sam" I said.

"Guys, no! Ruby attacked Simon. Skull Mask came after us at home. And while you guys were babysitting" Deena explained. Kate stopped the ambulance and Simon grabbed my shoulders so I didn't fall forwards.

"No, he didn't" Kate said as she came to the back of the ambulance.

"Skull Mask didn't care about us" She said and unzipped Simon's jacket. "He wanted this. Sam's blood"

"What the fu..." Deena quietly said.

"Yeah! From the crash when Sam puked period! It's 'Jaws' dude. A shark smelling blood. Kate's right! When we found Skeletor, he was all sniffy and weird with my shirt li-like a perv in a pantie shop" Simon said.

"Yeah, but he came to our house too"

"Deena..." I whispered and widened my eyes at her shoe that had Sam's blood on it.

"Sam bled on her bones, now the witch wants more of her blood" Simon freaked out.

"Ok, so what did they do in 'Jaws'?" Sam asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure they didn't go skinny-dipping with the goddamn bait" Kate said sarcastically.

"She's not bait" Deena said to Kate.

"Yeah. She is" Josh said and we all looked towards him. "Seriously, if we're right and they're after her... Let's give these assholes what they want" Josh explained. 

Does anyone else actually want to live in ShadySide? Because I do, and hopes I don't die, but I think it would actually be a lot of fun.

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/24/2021

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