02. Goddamn SunnyValers

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( « goddamn sunnyvalers »)

ME AND DEENA walked onto the school bus to go to SunnyVale

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ME AND DEENA walked onto the school bus to go to SunnyVale. We were both in our uniforms. Me in my cheerleading one, and Deena in her band one.

"Didn't you quit" A boy asked Deena as we were walking down the aisle. I sat next to Kate, Simon was in the other seat that's next to us, dressed like a witch, and Deena sat towards the back.

It took us half and hour to get to SunnyVale, once we got there, it was already becoming quite dark outside.

"THIS ISN'T HOW I wanted to be here tonight. I wanted to be here as a fan. Our SunnyVale Devils and your ShadySide Witches, throwing down some good old American football" The SunnyVale mayor said on a stand in the football field.

"Instead I find myself here, as a husband, as a father, as a neighbor. And yes, mayor of SunnyVale. And on behalf of all the people in my town, I say, all, of SunnyVale, mourns with you"

"Yeah, really looks like they give a damn" Kate said to me and Deena.

"The only SunnyValers who came were the ones who had to. The football team and the cheerleaders" I said.

"Our hearts are broken with grief" The mayor finally finishes, and Deena walks off somewhere.

"Where's she going" Kate asked me and I shrugged.

EVERYONE HAD A candle in their hands, and the lights of the football field shut off, and the sheriff started speaking.

"My family's been in SunnyVale for generations, and now my brother is mayor, and I your sheriff, we've prospered here" The sheriff starts.

"And yet, I've seen you, our neighbors in ShadySide, suffer tragedy after tragedy. It's easy in times like this to drown in questions of why...why this happened"

"But I know too well, there are no answers that will provide relief. And no peace found in the past. We must not fall into darkness, we must look to the light"

"Yeah! What we should do is light a fuse, and burn down ShittySide" That asshole that is dating Sam scoffed.

"What'd you say" A football player from ShadySide asked.

The guys looked over. "I said it ain't a tragedy when it happens every week. It's a joke"

"Well then you're really bad at telling jokes, because the last time I checked, joke were supposed to be funny" I replied and Kate laughed.

Some of the football players from ShadySide and SunnyVale, started to line up against each other.

"Say that again, motherfucker!" The guy from before said and pushed the Sam's boyfriend. I think his name is Peter, but I'm not entirely sure, because I don't talk to Sam anymore.

Peter punched him in the face, and then some of the football players from each town started fighting each other.

Simon yelled and ran up behind Peter and hit him in his back with a broomstick, Peter turned around to face him and Simon flipped him off.

"You little green prick! Come here, you little bitch! Come here" Peter yelled as he started running after Simon.

"Suck it in-" Kate got cut off by someone elbowing her in the head.

"PEICES OF SHIT" Kate said when we were all back on the school bus.

"YEAH!" Everyone yelled.

"They think they can do what they want"


"They ruin our vigil, then go waltzing back to their mansions, like we're the reject pile that they can step on"


"Well we are not the reject pile"


"This shit ends tonight"


"What are we gonna do" Simon stood up yelled in Kate's face.

"We're gonna go kill those preppy assholes" Kate yelled back.


"Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate! Kate!" We all chanted.

"When I say Shady, you say Side" Simon yelled.





"When I say Shady, you say Side"



Everyone chanted, and it kept going on and on. I looked back and saw Deena looking out the back door, and headlights from a car, so I walked back there.

"What're looking at" I said to her and looked out the door window.

"Goddamn SunnyValers" I mumbled and glass bottle was thrown at the door. Deena and I ducked, as if it was gonna hit us.

I hope you enjoyed this one, the next chapter will be out today, I just don't when. If you guys have any questions that you would like to ask me, or any suggestions for the story, then just comment, I always read them.

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/20/2021

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