10. The Fight

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⚠️Warning⚠️: Prepare yourself to start crying!!!

( « the fight » )

WE'RE AT THE store that Simon works at

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WE'RE AT THE store that Simon works at. I've always like this store. I would come here whenever Simon had to work night shifts and I would help with the customers. And when the store closed, we would always eat stuff and talk and dance around. I hope that we can do that again when this is all over.

"A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance" Simon said and placed down a bunch of boxes and pill bottles on the table.

"He was dead for two minutes. But..." Simon paused and did a drumroll. "We got him back"

"Kate. It's time for your close up" Deena said. Kate nodded and poured two bottles of pills out and put them into a piles.

"You need to take these in order. Pile one takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn" Simon said to Sam.

"Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick" He said after Kate poured a second pile of different pills.

"Now, you need to take a five minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, ok? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that 'take five' or else it's all gonna go to shit" He said and grabbed the third pile of pills that Kate poured onto the counter.

"How many of these do we have" I asked, hold a bunch of EpiPens.

"Tons. Like thousands" Simon answered and grabbed the EpiPens out of my hand.

"Wait, EpiPens?" Deena asked.

"Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. This is what brings her back. This is Jesus" Simon said.

ME AND SIMON were in an aisle and was marking an X on my chest with Sam's blood. I am literally terrified out of my mind right now. What if I die? What if Simon dies? What if we all die? Ok, I just need to calm down. Like Simon said earlier, we're not gonna die.

"Simon? What if I die? What if you die? I'm scared" I said with tears on my eyes.

"Hey, I'm scared too! But nothing is going to happen to us" He said holding my face in his hands.

"We'll be alright, i promise you"

"Ok! I trust you" I said and then I hugged him and he hugged back.

"I love you, Simon Kalivoda" I said, looking into his eyes.

"I love you too, Y/n Berman" He said, looking into my eyes. I stood on my tip-toes because I'm really short, and he leaned down and placed his lips against mine. It lasted two seconds and we broke apart.

✔️| 𝐁𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 {Simon Kalivoda x reader}Where stories live. Discover now