05. The Hospital

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( « the hospital »)

WE MADE IT to the hospital to see Sam and tell her about her crazy fucking boyfriend

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WE MADE IT to the hospital to see Sam and tell her about her crazy fucking boyfriend. I wanna know why he would stalk us, and sniff put holes in Simon's shirt. That's a little weird if you ask me. "Hey, slow down, lover boy" Simon said as he jumped and patted Josh's shoulders.

We walked inside of the hospital, and saw a lady at the front desk filing her nails. We stood at the front desk for a few seconds waiting for her to look up, but she never did, so Deena rang the bell that was on the desk.

The lady grabbed a clipboard, still not looking up at us. "Fill these out and take a seat"

"No, I'm just visiting" Deena told her, and slightly pushed the clipboard back to the lady sitting in a chair at the desk.

"Visiting hours end at nine" She said.

I cleared my throat and said, "Tell nurse Beddy she has a patient" And the nurse finally looked up at us.

About two minutes later, Nurse Beddy came. "Beddy. Long time, how you been" I asked her.

"See you're still toting around with this moron" She said to me after she saw Simon.

"She can't quit me, Beddy. I'm too pretty" Simon opened his arms and smiled. Beddy scoffed.

"Listen, we need your assistance" Kate said.

"I'm sure that you do, but there happens to be a new security protocol. We kept coming up short on blueberries and bananas. So, now I need a special key—"

"I need to see a patient" Deena cut Beddy off, and they walked to Sam's room after Deena told Beddy the patient's name.

"Blueberries and bananas" Josh asked Kate.

"Vicodin and Percocet" Kate explained what it meant.

"You want anything from the machine? I'm starving"

"Yo, Si-Money. Cash me" Kate said to Simon once we got over to the vending machine.

"Don't look at me, dude. I'm I'm I'm broke" He said.

"I don't have any money either" I said when she pointed at me.

"You got any change" She asked Josh, and he looked up at her.

"Oh, um...let me check. Um...uh, no" He said after checking all his pockets. It was adorable how awkward he was around Kate.

"Uh, but I..." He said walking over to the machine. He pressed a few buttons in a certain order.

"What do you want" He said smiling, as all the candy starting dropping to the bottom.

"You know, even though I barely know you, I love you already" I was amazed, and we all started grabbing candy from the vending machine.

"Where'd you learn how to do this" Kate asked as she grabbed chocolate from Josh.

"Oh, a lot of people trade hacks online" He replies.

"Nerd" Simon coughs out, and I slap the back of his head.

"He's just joking around, he does it all the time" I say to Josh.

"It's true" Simon admits.

"So, um...when'd you get in the fruit business" Josh asked, and we all looked up at him confused.

"What" Kate smiled.

"Um... The, uh...drugs" He replied awkwardly.

"Oh, that's just temporary. Saving up to get out of here" Kate replies.

"Take me with you" Josh mumbles. Simon makes whistling noises, and uses his hand to make a pretend explosion. Once he does that, Deena and Sam run out of a door screaming.

"Run!" Deena yells as she passes us.

"Did they get back together" Simon asks cluelessly, and then a guy in a skull mask runs past us with a knife. I'm starting to think that's not Peter.

Me and Kate scream at the top of our lungs, Simon grabs my hand and runs. Kate and Josh run behind us. We all run to the door that we came in from.

"Where are the keys? Do you have the keys" Simon asks Josh.


"Where...where are the keys" He asks me grabbing my hand and holding it.

"Come on. The ambulance" Kate exclaims, and we all follow her.

"COME ON" SIMON yells to Sam and Deena once Kate drives the ambulance to the front.


"COME ON" Josh yells.


"DEENA! HURRY UP! LET'S GO" I yell to her.

"GO! GO!" Deena yells once her and Sam inside the ambulance.

"WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Simon yells to Kate.

"HURRY!" Deena yells. And Kate speeds off.

Sup, I don't really know what to say, so imma just say 'Hello, how are you doing?'

~ DoDo ❤️‍🩹 7/21/2021

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