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Enjoy my stupidity

Naruto was lost.

He was alone and didn't know where to go, he shouldn't have run off like that. Now here he was, deep in an unknown territory without a clear way out.

The blond was scared and cold. all he wore was a thin shirt and a pair of black shorts, suitable for the summer mornings but not for the cold evenings that followed. He silently regretted not taking his jacket with him.

The 6year old sighed for the fifth time looking around himself, all trees looked absolutely the same to him. He tried to leave a trail behind him once he realized he was advancing somewhere unknown, but all his marking has been in vain. He tried to leave kunai marks on the barks but it resembled the claw marks that the animals seemed to leave everywhere.

Naruto grimaced .

"This...this Is bad"

His mom and dad would be worried if he doesn't show up in the next few hours.
Naruto snickered bitterly. If it was any of his siblings, everyone would already be looking for them. But as luck has it, he was the one lost. Not smart narumi who wouldn't even run away in the first place, not reckless menma who was always under watch from the masked ninjas, and CERTAINLY not fan favorite mito who wouldn't even have a reason to run off like he did.

He huffed to himself.

It was always the same problem, like an endless cycle of bullshit.
He would ask to be trained with the rest of his siblings in the more advanced lessons, his parents will tell him to stick to the normal training since he's not ready to join the others, which will prompt him to get out of the house to cool his anger, which in turn makes his dad feel bad so he promises him to grant his wish next time. yet still to this day, he's still stuck with the normal everyday training.
The cycle just keeps on repeating over and over and over.
Naruto took a seat by an abnormally tall tree with an uneasy expression.
This is the first time he ran off this far.
Perhaps they will come to look for him soon.
Naruto nodded to himself.

Yeah they will find him soon.

They didn't find him yet.

Naruto thrummed his fingers again his thigh in silent frustration, he was waiting for a full on hour and a half .
Dinner should be getting served now, they must have already noticed his absence, right ?
Damn it
He got up with an angry grumble, and headed to continue his way into the woods.
Who knows, maybe he'll find something or hopefully somebody to help him out of this green maze and back to the warm-ish comfort his home.
Naruto chewed on his bottom lip in both anger and anxiety.

He was hungry now...

When the blonde will go back home, his parents and everybody else at that damned house will get a piece of his mind.


Its almost completely dark out now and still nothing.
Naruto's steps are more guarded now, he fears he may step on something or make a lot of noise that might attract some not so welcomed company.
He was already miserable enough, he didn't need a freaking animal chasing after him to add to the pile.


Naruto cursed semi-loudly when he accidentally tripped over a pointy rock and came tumbling to the ground.


The blond got up quietly. Blood started seeping down from his wounded knee.

When's he's back home , he will NOT speak to his parents for days.

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