chapter 8

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Boo, I'm back.

Enjoy my stupidity

"Naruto" a voice called out to him in the darkness as he came out of unconsciousness. he turned around difficultly but couldn't find the source of the call.

"Naruto, where are you?" they called out and he turned once again, naruto opened his mouth to speak but no noise came out. It was as if his throat was no longer functional.

"You promised you'd come back." he did? naruto frowned in confusion, watching as the darkness stretched as far as the eye could see. who did he promise? and where did he promise to go back...he...he couldn't remember.

"I'm so lonely here, All by myself."a wave of guilt was enough to stop him in his tracks. when did he start moving anyway? he doesn't remember who this person is but the hurt in their voice makes him want to apologize. perhaps he does own this person an apology.

"I though you said we were friends, so why didn't ever comeback?" there it was again. As if urging him to step forward, a beaten dirt path appeared right infront of him. his body moved without consent, following the path till he finally made it to a very familiar area. the stone stairs feeling like a fresh memory in his mind.

the voice has stopped speaking and he was left to his own devices, climbing the stairs slowly. With each step he took one step disappeared from underneath him, swallowed by the darkness. He tried to stop out of curiosity and go see if the stairs really disappeared yet his body continued to move forward without a stop.

The stone stairs stretched on and on till they didn't, and he finally arrived to his destination.

"The temple..."

A vague silhouette of a familiar redhead wavered in and out of existence infront of him, causing him to gulp with realization.

It was them...they were calling out to him.


He opened his mouth to defend himself, say it wasn't his fault, that he wanted nothing more than to come back and see them as he promised, that he was trapped in the village, that he couldn't get out even when he desired nothing more than to do so.

Yet no words came, he was unable to form even a single syllable. All he could do was stare as the silhouette lost its shape and started to disperse into thin air.

He couldn't even raise his hand to try and grasp at them, his body refusing to corporate with his brain.

They disappeared and Naruto woke up. First thing he noticed was the small, golden, statue of a ninetailed kitsune on his nightstand.

"This again..."

He glanced at it, gaze hazy and unfocused.

It was a constant reminder, not that he needed help remembering his short adventure with the redhead, something to remind him of a promise he made.

Naruto could hear voices from outside of his room, talking loudly and taking his mind off the dream for a moment. He could easily recognize the voices of his siblings, arguing at the crack of dawn.

He heaved an annoyed sigh, turning to bury his face into the pillow with an angry pout.

This sibling business was too much of a hassle, honestly!!

It wasn't till the whole house shook with his mother's wrathful voice that the noise disappeared. The uzumaki's shoulders relaxed and with a small thankful smile, slipped right into sleep land.



Naruto buried his face into his pillow with a barely suppressed groan.

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