chapter 1

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Oh boi here we go again-

Enjoy my stupidity

Naruto woke up with a jolt.

"God-!!" He hurriedly sat up in his bed and furiously rubbed his tired eyes. It took a second for his vision to clear, he blinked a few times and the world was no longer a blur.

Memories of the night before were still fresh in his mind, replaying over and over again.

Running away in anger, walking through the forest...ending at somewhere unfamiliar, the temple. He gulped. The Red eyes of a monster watching him from the shadows.

  All of it came back, hitting the young boy at full force. He tried his best not to panic.
His dad always said that panicking will do him no good no matter what the situation is.
  Naruto breathed in shakily, trying to calm his racing heart before deciding to look around himself.
    He expected to be still on the ground where he collapsed the night before, or in some sort of cave where the beast might have dragged him. He shivered at the idea, finally gathering the courage to look around himself.

He swept his gaze around his environment only to go bugeye.

  "W..where am I ?" He wondered out loud.
Well he certainly wasn't on the ground, or in a cave or anywhere like that. Instead he found himself in a cozy looking room.
  Naruto looked down at his lap, he was sitting on a actual bed.
  The gears turned in his head as his expression blanked. he dreaming ?

Naruto pinched his hand in hopes of waking up. But all he got was the good old reminder that he is very much alive and awake: pain.

  "Ow-" he winced loudly, instantly rubbing the sore spot he pinched.
   "Well..I'm not dreaming-" he huffed, taking another look around. "Maybe somebody saved me"
  He nodded at the theory. yup that seemed to be the only logical explanation.
  He climbed off the bed, and made his way to a nearby window.

Somebody must have saved him from the monster. He shivered again at the thought of crimson eyes and malicious killer intent.

  The 6 year old whimpered softly when he remember his situation.

"I..I need to go back home-" he whispered. His dad must be extremely worried about him now, probably looking all over for him and drowning in guilt like he normally did whenever naruto disappeared after a one-sided argument.

"I never disappeared for such long time" when he comes back, naruto would NOT be leaving his room for a good while.

  "I still cannot comprehend how a child as young as you was alone in the woods in the middle of the night"

Naruto jumped up as the familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"MONSTER!!" he screamed scrambling to hide behind the nearest object.
He found himself behind a large statue sited in the far corner of the room, naruto hid behind it and instantly started looking around himself in fright.
  He swept his panicked gaze through the entire room but found nobody. 'Where is the voice coming from...?'  
  " Where did all that courage from the night before go ?" The voice teased, from right behind naruto.

  The boy felt his knees go weak.

Cold blind fear ripped through his core and it took everything not to drop down to the ground.
  His entire body shook like a leaf, as he slowly turned around to stare the monster in the eyes.

Expect...there was no monster..

"W-wait...but y-you're not-" naruto struggled to find his words when the voice owner behind him looked down at him with amusement.

"Not a monster?" They asked with a raised eyebrow, and naruto couldn't do anything but stare with unblinking widened eyes.
   "Staring is rude, tiny child" the person in front of him scolded and he blinked breaking eye contact to rub his eyes again.
Hold on something isn't right.

He looked up again, and yup still standing there was not a monster but a young person which naruto had never seen the likes of.

They were lean and almost two times naruto's height. Long red tinted orange locks flowed down on their back like liquid lava reaching all the way to their waist. their neutral face was framed by darkened eartails that descended into pure black at the bottom.
   Naruto's blue eyes met crimson red, yet it didn't feel as nearly as threatening as it did the night before.
   The boy's eyes descended down to gaze at the traditional hanfu they wore. it was red, similar to their eyes, decorated with black embroidered characters and designs naruto never seen before.
  The only one he was able to make out was was the repeated kanji of fox and the number nine.

   He had no idea what it meant...

Although something caught his attention.

"Still staring ? Such an ill-mannered child" they started again but naruto cut them off by pointing at their face "you have whiskers!!" He stated and the stranger almost winced at the sheer loudness of his voice.
"Look look! I have them too!!! Are we related !? Are you uzumaki ?? Your hair has red in it !! You must be a uzum-" before anybody could stop him or tell him off, the blonde started questioning the human-look-a-like in front of him. Throwing question after question, his fear long forgotten.

  That was the first time he had seen anybody with similar birthmarks as him.

The marks of a curse and what a cursed one he was.

  His father always said those marks were special despite how everyone else dismissed it as an accident or a mistake.
  Yet there is in front of him !! In front of him another person with the same whiskers.
  "Is it a bloodline !? As you from a ninja clan!? You look like you're from one!! I like you hair it's orange-" maybe he was getting a bit sidetracked...

The redhead standing in front of him watched the blonde blankly. With a hand, they quietly reached for the blonde, and put it on his mouth without second thought, shutting him off temporarily. The room went quiet, and the redhead kept their hand on his mouth.

Naruto blinked at them confused.
"Shush, shut it" they ordered pulling their hands away slowly.
"I don't want to hear another word from you" they warned " you just stay here and you stay quiet until one of you're godforsaken parents shows up looking for you" they pulled away completely, leaving for the door. 

Naruto blinked rapidly, flailing his arms in the air. "Hey! Im not don-"

The redhead turned around swiftly, leveling him with an icy glare.



The door closed.

Naruto watched with wide eyes as the other whiskered person left the room.
"But...but you didn't.. Answer.."

They just left...just like that..they didn't even answer a single question...

Naruto must've been asking too fast!

He nodded to himself with a loud "that's it"

He sprinted to the door. The redhead must've been overwhelmed with the question.
  He will ask slower next time!

Naruto eyed the door for a moment before sprinting to it and cracking it open. All he saw was a long red and golden hallway stretching along a series of doors.

  He saw that it was deserted.

Deeming it safe, naruto sprinted out hoping to find the redhead for a few questions.



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