chapter 9

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Hey there demons, it's me...ya boi

This chapter is extremely short- the drama doesn't start till the next chapter so just take this short one as an appetizer.

Enjoy my stupidity

Ah yes.

The academy.

Where almost everyone Naruto had ever looked up at started from. And here he was, in a classroom full of other kids, talking in groups of three or more, there was some couples at the far ends of the seats and some loners here and there. He belonged to the last category, he sat alone messing with his nails nervously.

He wanted to go up to some other kids and introduce himself oh so badly, but he felt rather shy for some reason. He didn't exactly know anybody in the room, at least not on a personal level.

The blonde lifted his gaze up and scanned the entire classroom.

He recognized a few faces. Two boys sat at the far end of the third row, one was significantly bigger than the other and munching on some chips, while the other seemed to be napping. If Naruto remembered correctly, these were the Nara clan heir and akimichi clan heir. The two of them were friends with menma. Nice guys from what he had seen and heard.

Next was a girl with no pupils that sat in the middle of a small crowd, right by her was a loud boy, accompanied by a puppy, he knew all too well. Hinata hyuuga and kiba inuzuka. Now these two were closer to his sister mito than to menma, naruto remembered how his brother would complain to their mom about the 'spineless girl and smelly dog' mito was 'wasting' her time with. In return the girl complained about the 'fat guy and lazy pineapple' he spent his time with.

Naruto grimaced at the memory. Mito and menma were both rather antagonistic toward each other, for some reason.

Naruto shook his head, clearing the thoughts out of his head. The action getting a small 'aww' from a girl sitting behind him. He turned around to have a look only to have the pretty girl smile brightly.

"Awww those whiskers are so cute!" She giggled, leaning on her desk to get a better look at him. She had platinum blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and clear blue eyes. Although the shade of blue wasn't as clear as the one in his eyes.

"Oh! Thanks!" He responded with a matching smile. "I'm Naruto uzumaki namikaze! Nice to meet you!" He introduced and watched the girl's eyes light in recognization.

"Oh! I know you! You're mito's brother, right?" The girl asked. "I'm ino! Ino yamanka! Me and sakura-chan here used to play with mito all the time!"


Oh, that's why she's familiar!

Naruto eyes sparkled in recognization. He looked at the pink haired girl sitting by ino, who didn't seem to notice him, too busy watching a dark haired boy that sat by menma.

"Oh yeah, I heard mito talk about the two of you a lot before." He smiled. It was true, his sister used to speak about her two friends a lot until something about a heartbreaker came up and suddenly the girl no longer mentioned them.

"Oh, did she?" Ino asked with a raised eyebrow. She averted her gaze to the side and nudged Sakura out of her daydream. The pinkette jumped slightly, her cheeks tainted red either by the surprise or the embarrassment of being caught staring. She pouted. "Ino! Don't surprise me like that!"

Ino just smiled and pointed at Naruto. "That's mito's brother. His name is Naruto." She introduced and Naruto waved with a friendly smile.

"Mito's brother...?" Sakura mumbled, looking at him in confusion. She pointed to the direction she was looking at earlier. "I thought menma-kun was her only brother..."



Naruto's hand dropped slightly, and he fought the urge to sigh. Ino on the other hand, catching on his drop of mood, gave her friend a look. Sakura remained oblivious for a few moments before she caught the look sent her way. Her eyes widened in slight panic as she waved her hands infront of herself.

"Wait- I didn't mean to offend!"

"No, no it's fine." Naruto dismissed. "It happens all the time. A lot of the other kids don't know about me." He suddenly. "I thought the hair and eyes would be dead giveaways to who my father is tho!"  He tried lighting up the mood.

And it worked. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back.

"You look just like the hokage!" Sakura agreed, leaning on her table. "If you didn't have these lines you'll be a copy of him when you grow up!"

"Mhm." Ino agreed before flashing him a grin."where did you get the whiskers from?" She asked."neither mito nor menma has em."

Naruto smiled at the question. He didn't know the answer to be honest. All that he knew was that they scared the living daylight out of his father and looked like the ones the kind redhead had.

He felt them with his hand and smiled at the memory. "I don't really know. They just appeared when I was a baby, my dad was so scared." He laughed and the girls nodded. Sakura hummed softly before asking. "Why was he so scared?"

Good question.

Naruto can barely remember the conversation he once heard between his father and his godparents.

Something about...cursed marks?

He frowned trying to remember the words his father spoke that day in such anguish.

'Can't you see!? Those marks! The same ones HE had! I refuse to let my son suffer the same fate!'

Naruto had absolutely no idea who HE was nor what fate was this suffered. All he knew was this person had the same marking he did...maybe he's related to kyuubi-san?

"I uh...I don't really know, maybe he was afraid that I had hurt myself with a kunai?"

Ino pinched Sakura before she could speak and smirked. "Enough with this boring stuff!" She complained playfully and the other gave her a small glare that went by ignored as ino turned her attention to the other blonde once again."So tell me, who's the favorite?"

Naruto gave her a funny look, but he was a bit glad for the subject change.

"Dad doesn't have favorites. And mom always says she loves us all the same." He explained, scrunching his face in a concentrating manner. "Although...I think mom likes narumi the most, cause she's like...the oldest or something.." he nodded to himself as if contemplating his reasoning.

The two girls shared an amused look.

"Yeah!" Naruto finally decided that his logic was flawless."it's because she's the oldest."

Ino gave a small nod, before something grabbed her attention.

She looked down where Sakura was staring earlier.

Menma was staring up at them with dark eyes. The second his eyes met hers he looked away. Yet his expression remained frozen in displeasure.

"Huh..." She looked down in confusion. "Say Naruto-kun do-"

"Alright! Everyone settle down please!" A loud voice rang through the classroom as the shunin sensei entered.

Naruto turned in to face the front of the class, but not before giving the two girls a small wave.

Dear Inari-sama! He was so excited to start his first lesson!


Sorry y'all that's all I can come up for this chapter- maybe I'll fall back into the habit of only writing short chapters and publishing at a faster rate as to not burn myself out even more.

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