chapter 7

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I keep on writing this chapter, and it keeps on getting deleted. I'm at my limit wattpad, MY LIMIT!!!

Enjoy my stupidity

"So far so good." Kyuubi mumbled with a satisfied nod. They looked down at the small, paint covered boy who stared up at them with stars in his eyes.

"Time to get this show on the road." They smirked, signalling to a nearby clone who simply nodded and soon, mayhem broke into the small village.


"What the hell-" the anbu couldn't even finish his sentence as a bunch of little kids ran around the village, screaming about an upcoming storm. Villagers stuck their heads out of their homes and shops, the ones walking in the street, stopped whatever they were doing and listened, exchanging confused, yet intrigued, looks.

The team has been standing on top of one of the highest building in the small village, keeping watch incase they spot a familiar blonde head.

Minato raised an eyebrow at the strange reaction of the people. Why did everyone stop at the news? He looked up a the clear skies and back at the civilians who rushed to their homes, closing their windows and doors. Eyes narrowed, he fit his head to the side in suspicion.

"I don't smell upcoming rain." An Inuzuka anbu spoke, crossing his arms over his chest and scoffing at the loud yelling children."Its not going to rain."

The Hokage hummed to himself, brushing some of his blonde hair back and away form his face. "It doesn't matter." He started."our only objective is to find Naruto, wether it rains or not is none of our business." He spoke firmly, before addressing the Inuzuka who spoke earlier.

"Try to find his smell."

"Yes hokage-sama!"

Then he turned to face his own student.


The silver haired anbu gave a lazy nod, already summoning his Ninken to help with the search. A small dog, sporting the konoha's symbol, appeared in a small puff of smoke, right next to Kakashi.

"Smells weird in here..." The dog spoke in a low tone, up from his place perched atop the hatake's shoulder.

Minato didn't bother to ask about the comment. He instead watched down the quiet village and took a deep breath.

Soon he'll find Naruto and bring him back home, safe and sound.

"Okay here's the plan." Minato announced firmly, eyes going hard. "Kakashi I want you and your Ninken to head south. Boar, swan I want you to go we-"

A loud thunder took him by surprise. And everyone looked up at the sky in shock.


Swan turned to her teammate with a frown hidden under her mask. "I though you said-" only to get cut off by the ninken. "This doesn't smell like rain."

Minato looked up with clear confusion. His eyes narrowed as he frowned at the suddenly cloudy skies. "It was sunny seconds ago..." He mumbled to himself in disbelief. How could the weather change so suddenly? He raised an eyebrow, Interested in the sudden change but quickly shrugged it off to focus on the mission at hand.

The last thing Minato wanted is for his son to get sick from the storm because they couldn't get to him soon enough.

"As I was saying, boar and sw-"

Then something hit his head and fell down in his hand.

Silence reigned over the team as minato blinked once, then twice, then thrice. Eyes not believing what fell in his open palm.

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