chapter 4

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Damn- life, I disappeared for a moment-

Enjoy my stupidity

The uzumaki namikaze household was a complete utter mess. A few anbu ran in and out of the hokage's home office window.

"Hokage-sama, please calm do-" a loud crash cut the anbu off as the hokage slammed his fist on the wall, cracking it and silencing everyone present. "Care to repeat that..?" Minato hissed, releasing a wave of killer intent over the the entire room.

Nobody had the courage to step up and speak.

Its been almost a day since the hokage's 2nd youngest child ran away and disappeared without trace. And minato was two seconds away from leveling down the entire forest in hopes of finding his son.

"If anybody dares tell me to calm down again..." He hissed threateningly. "I will cut their tongue off, do I make myself clear?"

His question was immediately answered with hurried nods from the various ninjas in his office. None of them speaking in fear they might set him off.

"Good. Now any clues about naruto?" He asked, his anger shifting to worry.

An anbu with a boar mask stepped up and spoke "Hokage-sama, we found traces of naruto-sama's scent again after we lost it, we can determine your Honorable son is still in the territory of konoha." Minato gave a sigh of slight relief. At least his son was still in konoha and not somewhere he rather not have him at.

"Where does his trail lead to?"

"To the far east, Hokage-sama. It seems that he headed to the nearest woods after leaving the gates."

He nodded again, dismissing the anbu. They bowed and disappeared in the matter of seconds.

He slumped down on his seat and buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly.

His son.

His dear son...his second youngest and most fragile son.

...was missing.

It was a disaster, minato's mind was all over the place with worry. Where did naruto go? Was he okay? He was probably somewhere, alone... Cold, hungry and afraid...

Minato gripped his hair.

And it was all his fault! If he wasn't such a neglectful father his son would've still been here at home. He wouldn't be lost and in danger!!

"don't worry naruto..I'll find you, I swear it on my head."


"Are you certain you don't want to leave yet?" The youth asked as naruto tried climbing an enormous tree. "Wouldn't you father be worried?"

"No! dad will be fine, he know I can take care of myself" he reassured the redhead with a huge grin, releasing one hand to give them a thumbs up. Only to fall down on his butt for the third time.


"If you say so"


Jiraiya sighed, knocking on minato's office door for the third time that day.
"Oi minato- open up" he called but there was no answer.

"Minato..." He called again, he was met with silence. Minato probably didn't even hear him.

This has been going since naruto disappeared last day.

"Geez that kid, where could he possibly be..?" He mumbled, deciding to come again when his student opens the door.

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