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Enjoy my stupidity.

        "Careful there naruto, you might just trip over yourself." 

  Naruto didn't bother looking behind him to know who was mocking him. it was hard not to recognize the voice of his brother. His older brother. 

  The blonde bit his tongue, biting back any comeback that was about to slip out of his mouth. He knew that the other was only looking to start a fight. 

And blame it on him. 

It was an old game that started when they first entered the academy, and now, almost three whole years later, menma was still trying to play him like a fool. He was just trying to rile him up, give him a reason to lash out, start a fight, and ultimately get in trouble with their godparents who seemed to always side with their older grandchild. 

"Aww, nii-san cares about me? Don't worry I'm alright!" 

   Well, it takes two to tango, and naruto has already learned the moves of this little dance by heart. and he would never admit it out loud, but the way menma's almost perfect smile twitched to something more irritated, filled him with absolute joy. it was almost like getting a good-job head pat from his father or a candy reward from his mother for getting good grades. 

"Of course he does!" A voice called out from behind them, and Naruto smiled, finally turning around to watch two girls make their way to the small group. Menma's smile clicked right back into place while the boy walking besides him, Sasuke, seemed to ignore everything around him. "you're menma-Kun's little brother after all! and he cares about you!" ino pointed out as she and sakura caught up to them.

The younger blonde almost rolled his eyes.

Yeah, right.

she gave naruto a small wave while sakura watched menema with a suspicious gleam to her eyes, but it went away as her gaze found Sasuke walking by him, instead getting replaced with something way fonder.

 "Teehee, I already know that ino-chan!" naruto laughed, taking joy in the way his 'loving brother' was struggling to keep his gentle smile, and when menam turned his attention to the two girls and proceeded to ignore his existence, the whiskered teen considered it a small win. 

Gotta count the little victories that you get. 

   With everyone mostly distracted; except for the Uchiha who seemed aloof and only looked ahead as he walked with the air of a young prince but naruto didn't care much about him as he knew the guy never really acknowledged him anyway; the blonde took a sharp turn, splitting away from the group without a sound. 

  Time for some much-deserved ramen break!

He merrily made his way to his favorite ramen stand, not caring, or rather unaware, of the sharp onyx eyes on his back. 


Getting back home with a full tummy and going straight to flop on his bed was such a wonderful feeling. naruto grabbed the nearest pillow and hugged it with a content expression on his face. 

the house was empty, there was a clan meeting for some critical business naruto had no business knowing, so both his parents were stuck in the Hokage tower for the time, and his siblings were out with their friends, doing their things. 

'looks like we have the house all to ourselves then!' he thought, reaching across his nightstand to grab the shiny golden statue. despite naruto owning it for more than three years, the golden fox was as glamorous as the day he got it, showing the amount of care that went into cleaning and polishing it. the prized possession however spotted one singular tiny scratch across its chest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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