chapter 6

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Okay so news: a chapter of this story just disappeared with the wind- I do absolutely NOT know what the hell just happened but I just lost a chapter for some reason. I was just rechecking some information and then I realized a chapter was deleted and I'm freaking out rn

Aight y'all nvm I found it- for sm reason it disappears and appears on my table of content randomly, man that scared me for a sec

Enjoy my stupidity

By dawn, the anbu team led by the hokage himself made it to where the scent of blood ended.

"What in the name of..."

In front of them stood an enormous building.

"Is this a temple?" The hokage mumbled confused. As far as he knew, there was no such thing as a temple anywhere near konoha. In fact, there was almost no temples left...not after the last great Shinobi war.
"What is this doing here? shouldn't even exist" he whispered to himself softly, inspecting the building. If this is were naruto's scent ends that must mean he entered the building or passed by it at least.

"Hopefully naruto-kun is here..."


"Where are we going ?" Naruto asked, holding onto the youth's hand as they lead him through what he could only describe as a hidden passage filled with some cool looking plants.

Kyuubi hummed to themself, sparing the boy a glance and muttering something akin to "somewhere" making the boy pout at the vague answer and huff a loud "tell me!". When the redhead kept their eyes on the way and refrained from telling him, Naruto start to tug at their long sleeve and jump in his place halting their movement. "Please tell me- tell me tell me! Come on- I won't tell anyone just tell me" he stuck his bottom lip out and looked up with big watery eyes"pleeeeeeaaaaaasssssee?".
The kyuubi stopped to look at him silently, seemingly considering wether to tell him or not. Naruto let go of their sleeve to clasp his hands together and blink repeatedly, in his mind he was already celebrating, knowing that nobody could possibly resist his puppy eyes! Not his father! Not his mother! Not obito-nii! Not rin-nee or kakashi-nii! And certainly the nice, newly dubbed, kyuu-chan wouldn't be able to res-

The redhead patted his head with a small chuckle and started walking again.

"You'll see when we get there, now be good and follow me."

Naruto's face went blank as he registered the words.


What the fuck?

Did his puppy dog eyes just fail him..? He stared at kyuubi's slowly retreating back and opened his mouth but no words came out.

' cool'

Naruto's eyes sparkled as he ran after the youth.

"Wait for me!"

kyuu-chan was way stronger than he thought!!!

When they finally arrived at their destination, Naruto could only gawk at the scenery. They stood on top of a hill overlooking a small village surrounded by the forest from all sides.

"Woah- it's so colorful!! Kyuubi look!"

From his spot Naruto could see all the different types of beautiful and colorful flowers growing on and decorating almost every traditional house. It looked amazing! He wasn't used to seeing so much colors! Although konoha has some pretty colorful flowers that bloom in the spring, it's never as colorful as this place.

A gentle breeze passed by and kyuubi smiled to themself."No matter the season this village is always beautiful..." they mumbled fondly, taking the child's hand once more and making their way down.

"Are we going in!?" Naruto asked excitedly, resuming his Excited jumping once more. On their way he pointed at random objects with stars in his eyes, yelling "look look!!" Whenever something caught his attention, was it the pretty unlit lanterns or the cute animals that waltzed into the village streets without much care. Well that boy was easily impressed, but then again he was only six so it was only natural.

They finally made it to the main gate and kyuubi stopped to look down at the boy. "Listen now boy, the people here will help you get back to your parents" Naruto's eyes widened as he started to jump in place again "really!?" He asked hopefully, grinning when the youth gave a nod of affirmation. "But first..." that sweet smile they wore seconds ago turned and twisted into something far more mischievous than Naruto have seen on kyuubi during his day and a half stay. "There is something that I tend to do every time I visit this humble little village" the grin turned to a smirk as they bent down to look the boy in the eye.

Naruto could only stare back silently. Those sharp crimson eyes no longer scared him, instead he found them nice and kind of resembling a kitty, which he thought was really cute! Speaking of which- He still had no idea why the youth looked rather disturbed at being compared to a kitten the day prior.

Kyuubi remained quiet for a good few moments before speaking in a low tone, asking Naruto a question that made the boy gasp in delight.

"Say naruto-kun, how much experience do you have with pulling pranks?"


"So the lost boy is your son...?" The timid voice of a civilian girl asked, titling her head to side in question.

"Yes. He's my son! Do you know where he is now??" The hokage asked, feeling relief wash over his fear and replace it with the knowledge that his son was alive and well, and from what he got from the girl his son was also accompanied by someone who inhabits the temple, some sort of priest or priestess from what he could tell by how highly the girl spoke of them, nevertheless he was grateful someone was looking after his son.

"If they didn't come out of the temple the second you stepped in here that must mean kitsune-sama is in the village again" she chuckled to herself softly, mumbling a soft 'dear lord' before continuing. "probably taking your son to someone who could help him find you." And that's all Minato needed to commend his team to move forward, but not before thanking the girl.

While he didn't know about the temple, the small near village was actually on the map. A territory outside of both konoha's and iwa's. Thank goodness his son was here and not somewhere a bit farther cause that would have been disasterous. Minato sighed as he run from tree to tree, branch to branch. He hoped to Kami that his son wasn't extremely angry with him, if he was- well he has all the right to be and minato can't really judge him for it, he just hoped that Naruto would be at least willing to talk to him. And God if he doesn't find him in the next hour he might snap. The longer they've been separated was three hours before this incident. Minato was barely holding on from losing his shit as they traveled silently, all he could do was remind himself that his precious son was safe and okay and he will find him soon and then make sure he never ever leaves his sight ever the hell again.


Somewhere in an ally in a pretty little village, kyuubi smirked and mentioned to the small boy standing besides them. "are you ready, little one?" They asked, raising one eyebrow gracefully and Naruto jumped up and down nodding his head eagerly. He seemed quite ecstatic about this whole prank business.

"Consider this some sort of parting gift, hmm?" They laughed lowly before looking up. "Now let's get this 'show on the road' as you people say".


It didn't take them long to arrive in the village.

"Hokage-sama" a dog masked anbu started. "We caught naruto-sama's smell again"

"Good, split now, search the entire area and ask around the villagers, report to me if you find him or anything that could lead to him"

Minato looked down at the peaceful village with troubled eyes.

This is the last part of the search... hopefully nothing gets in the way, or else...minato might might kill a few people.

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