chapter 2

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I have insomnia, and I'll be damned if I don't benefit from it-
I'm going to write till I die

Enjoy my stupidity

Naruto sprinted through the hallway in full speed, he looked right and left, trying to find any traces of the redhead. he stopped in his track when a grand looking door came into view. 

the blonde stared at the door in aw. it was huge, adorned with golden characters ranging from tiny foxes to the same number nine he saw on the youth's sleeves. 

maybe he should take a look inside, perhaps the redhead was in there. 

Naruto carefully twisted the golden handle, cracking the door open to peek inside. the room was dark, and he had to squint to see anything. clearly the person he was looking for wasn't there, yet out of curiosity he decided to take a step inside. 

the blonde stumbled inside, looking for a window to let some light in. "why is it so dark in here?" he complained to no one in particular. after a few moments of blindly stumbling around, his hand finally caught on a piece of cloth near the wall. 'is this the curtain?' he thought, pulling at it a sudden light enveloped the room and Naruto shielded his eyes from the sheer brightness. 

  His eyes adjusted, and he could finally take a look around. 

Naruto's blue eyes went wide, and he awed at the sight in front of him.

" IS SO COOL!!" he declared loudly with stars in his eyes.  

   A large golden statue of a woman with long flowing hair was sited in the middle of the room, in her arms she held sheaves of rice and all around her were foxes in different position. 'she's so pretty' he inspected her further, coming closer to notice the tiny details on her and the animals. 

"who is she...?" he wondered out loud, before giving her one last look and moving on to inspect the other things in the room. 

next thing he noticed was the way the room was filled with different sized fox statues. "oh" he mumbled, noticing a weird detail. 

it seems that each fox had a different number of tails, ranging from one to nine. he grabbed a nine-tailed one and grinned in delight. 

"dad would love to see this!" he happily moved the statue around like a toy, "maybe they will let me take it, they have a lot of it..." he put the statue down where he can see it. 

"PAINTINGS!" he yelled excitedly before sprinting to the farthest wall to his left, where a hoard of paintings awaited him. some hang on the wall, while others simply leaning against it. he smiled wildly, letting out a loud 'ooh' when he realized that most of them were weird animal paintings. 

an angry looking raccoon with a huge weird bug creature he has never seen before. 

a big turtle hiding in the water away from a green monkey and a big slug. he giggled at the funny image.

a kitten playing with a ... Naruto squinted in confusion. is that a horse...? yeah, a horse and a weird squid.

a fox napping between a bunch of trees. 

something different caught his eyes, and Naruto hummed in interest. this time the painting depicted an old man with sickly looking skin and horns. the boy found his gaze fixed on the purple ringed eyes of the man. 

"where...where did I see that before...?" he searched in his memory for any purple rings. 

Thinking about it hurts so much. Even after all of this time it still hurts.

"well, aren't you an annoying little pest?"

Naruto twirled around just in time to come face to face with the same icy glare he was shot with earlier.

"I leave you for one second and you go around sneaking behind my back" the redhead he was previously looking for stood in front of him, clearly displeased.
  "Uh- um" naruto stumbled over his words, suddenly at a loss.

"What were you looking at hmmm?" They asked venomously, ignoring naruto in order to sweep their gaze all over the room to make sure the blonde didn't mess up a thing. They noticed one misplaced statue but nothing else.

  "I- uh..I was looking at the ..the paintings.." He tried explaining. shrinking under the youth's sharp gaze when it settled on his tiny form again.

"Oh? What paintin-..." They suddenly went quiet and naruto perked up slightly.
  "This one is so cool, who did it ?" He asked with small smile, pointing at the old man painting.

  The redhead's eyes glazed over for a moment before they turned around and naruto let out a small confused noise.

  "It doesn't matter, you need to go back into your assigned room"

"HUH !?" naruto latched unto their robe from behind and whined "hold on!! You didn't answer any of my question !!" He complained and the redhead stopped their movement.

  "None of your question are of any importance" they flatly pointed out, glaring down at the offending hands that gripped their clothes.

"That's not true !! My question are important !!" He huffed loudly And the redhead gave no response other than an eye roll.

"Of course they back to your roo-"

"What's your name?" He suddenly cut them off and their eyes went wide.

"..why? Why are you asking so suddenly?" They asked with a glare, sneering at the boy and he almost stepped back.

"I-um I don't know. I don't know your name" he mumbled slowly gaining his confidence back "and I said that its rude not to introduce yourself and I already told you my name" he puffed his cheek and crossed his arms "so you need to introduce yourself and not be rude"

The redhead regarded him silently, gaze slowly darkening and naruto gulped.

  "W-well?" He tried to keep on a brave facade.

  "Call me Kyuubi" the redhead -now named kyuubi- declared, earning a small audible gasp from the boy.

  "Kyuubi !? That's a cool name!!" He grinned and pointed at the statue.

  "Nee kyuubi, who's the lady in the statue?!"  Kyuubi's eye twitched at the unnecessary use of their name, but answered anyway advancing into the room.

"That is Inari okami, ever heard of the goddess of foxes, rice, fertility, tea and sake? Goddess of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success." They introduced the statue and naruto blinked at them.

  "Eh..?" He asked with a head tilt before his eyes lit up "OH !! A GODDESS!! SO COOL"

"silence! You're too loud" Kyuubi growled loudly and naruto nodded his head hurriedly.

Kyuubi sighed shaking their head with a mumbled prayer and naruto jumped in his place.

  "Can you tell me a bit more about her, pleaseeee!?" He asked with the biggest puppy eyes and the redhead looked genuinely surprised.

  "Would you like me to tell you more about the inari-sama ?" They asked slowly and naruto nodded enthusiastically.

Kyuubi gazed at him with interest before nodding to themself .

  "Well then, follow me"

They took a glance at the forgotten painting before guiding the young boy out of the room and locking the door behind their backs.

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