chapter 5

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Im running late on schedule

Enjoy my stupidity

The day passed by before naruto could register it.

It went by rather fast, as he was having so much fun. He spent all of his time with the 'nice' Kyuubi. He climbed trees, run around, rolled down a hill or two, got to see the cool statues and learn so many cool things!! And even more than that, naruto was clearly the center of attention for a whole day...

That never happened before, as one of his siblings was always bound to steal the spotlight only to have it snatched by another and so on.

Now it was just him, he was the main focus. And by god was it a feeling he adored.

Naruto was back in the room he first woke up in munching on an apple. When he and Kyuubi were walking back to the temple they ran into a group of people who naruto could only assume were villagers judging by their clothing and the giant fruit baskets they held.

For some reason, the villagers proceeded to gush all over them and offer the two their harvest of fruits. Naruto could only stare as Kyuubi smiled nicely and declined the offerings.

At the sight of the fruit naruto suddenly realized he was hungry. All that running around finally took a toll on him, it appears. And not to mention that it looked extremely delicious.

"Say kitsune-sama, who is this child?" Finally people noticed him and naruto gave a big smile.

"I'm naruto uzumaki namikaze!!! Nice to meet you!" He declared loudly, causing_much to his surprise_ some awws from the villagers.


Suddenly Kyuubi made a thinking face and said "now that think about it, this lost child hasn't eaten anything since I found him yesterday"

A young women stepped up from the group with a small bowl of fruit. "May I, kitsune-sama?" She asked politely, her voice soft and gaze gentle.

"You may"

She bent down to naruto's height and offered her small fruit bowl to him. Naruto stared at her, unsure what to do. He glanced up at kyuubi for help and the youth titled their head slightly, and mentioned to the bowl.

"Don't be shy" the young women laughed.

Naruto reached up to take a fruit only to have everyone laugh for some reason.


"Oh silly, you can have all of it" an older women laughed from the back of the group and his eyes went wide. "I can?" He asked and the girl nodded with a smile.

She kind of remind him of the nice ayame-chan from his favorite ramen shop. She was just as pretty and nice.

He hesitated a bit and finally took the offering form the girl's hand. She smiled and got up, giving a small bow to Kyuubi who gave her nod.

And now he was in the room, the fruit bowl on a nearby stand and he finally finishes the apple.

"The fruit here is yummy" he told the Kyuubi who sat on the bed observing him. They nodded dismissively "I would tell me boy, when do you think your parents are gonna come for you?"

Naruto looked at the redhead surprised, he forgot about his parents for a hot second there.

"I don't know...but dad will find me soon!!" He grinned "I'm sure of it!!"

Kyuubi nodded their head, as if contemplating the answer."Hopefully they'll come soon, a kid separated from their parent is never good..." At this they got up and mentioned to the boy. Naruto walked up to them a bit confused "yes?" He asked.

"I think its a about time you head over to bed."

Naruto instantly pouted.

"But I don't wanna!" He protested and Kyuubi gave him a look. "When did I give you a choice?" They asked and he huffed.

"You can't make me go to sleep-" naruto pointed at Kyuubi with a challenging gaze "if you can't catch me first!!" He yelled and made a run for the opened door of the room. Naruto laughed loudly as he sprinted down the hallway of the temple.

Kyuubi could only stare in disbelief as the boy's laughter faded slowly.

Despite themself, Kyuubi smiled. Soon that smile turned to a chuckle, followed by a soft laugh and escalating to full blown laughter.

"I see how it is" they mumbled softly with a smile. "I'll play with you a bit more".

They got up, dusting their hanfu off before advancing to the door and in a poof of smoke the youth disappeared, in their place appeared a fox of nine tails.

"this reminds me of some good memorable days"

and the chase began.

"So this is where you found the last traces of him...?" Minato mumbled the question mostly to himself. not awaiting for an answer he already knew, he examined the area.

"Yes Hokage-sama, We found traces of naruto-sama's blood in this area _" a tiger masked anbu answered despite knowing that the hokage was already informed about their findings. "_most likely caused by a none sever wound judging by the extremely small amount of blood we found, although it seems the wound didn't heal up for a while causing a small trail of blood droplets leading out of Konoha's territory"

The anbu continued on, but minato had already tuned her out.

'Damn it, he just had to come this way..' Minato swore in his mind. Things just escalated from bad to worse. First his son running away in a fit of rage, then getting lost and now they're following his blood trail to try and retrieve him safely.

Could it get ANY worse...?

'If he was still alive' a small voice whispered in minato's mind and he growled under his breath. Of course his son was alive!! He was just somewhere around. they'll find him soon and when they do...

Minato narrowed his eyes dangerously at one little splash of blood on a rock, right were the trail begins.

Naruto must of fell and scratched himself.

Minato's heart became even heavier with the guilt. Not only was his son alone and cold but bleeding as well...

'I'm the worst father ever...'

When they'll find him, minato will truly apologize for letting naruto get hurt again...and then lock him up in his room...and watch him just to make sure he's safe and sound at all times.

'Yeah...' minato nodded to himself, trying his best to push down any unwanted thoughts down where it won't hinder his search. 'that's it, I'll make sure he is safe when he's back. I won't let this happen again...Not a third time..'

Minato tried his best not to let any memories of that old accident resurface in his mind. That's something he wishes to completely forget.

The screams of his 3 years old child. The blood on his hands, the blood of that filthy excuse of a ninja that dared to put his fucking hands ON-....

No..minato pushed it back, he wasn't gonna thing about it.

The night had already fallen and with it their chances of finding naruto became slimmer.

Minato managed to convince himself that the boy was alright and fine. It was hard...extremely hard, but he managed somehow.

He turned around to face the anbu gathered behind him.

"Spread and cover every inch of this forest. I want him found as soon as possible"

"Hai Hokage-sama!"

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