Day 6 3/3

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Mina and kirishima come bursting in.

"ARE YOU DOING WHAT I THINK YOUR DOING?!!!!" Mina shouts excitedly.

I smirk slyly before putting on an innocent face. "I though we all where going to do it."

Bakugo sees kirishima carrying hair dye. "NOPE NO FUCKING WAY DO NOT INVOLVE ME WITH THIS!"

Kirishima holds up orange hair dye and I look at him weirdly.

"Why orange?"

"Leukemia awareness color. And it's a manly color!" He smiles widely and I look at him with awe.

"You really put so much thought into the color huh?"

Mina yells out "SERO NOW" tape shoots into the house and captured bakugo in an instant.

I smirk "you really thought of everything huh?"

"Sure did i would do anything for you! Even if that means bringing the whole class for them to dye a strand of hair."

Just then everyone from class 1-A walks in. My jaw drops.

Midoriya steps forward, "y/n, we all wanted to let you know that you are never going to fight this battle alone." Everyone agrees with a "yeah."

Sero slowly lets bakugo lose, as he looks around and gives in. "Fine. But only because I can't be the only one who looks like they don't support you."

My eyes tear up "Thank you guys so much!" I fall to my knees and start crying. But these weren't the sad pained tears like before. These tears where from pure joy. Most of the class begins to tear up and hug me.

"I didn't know I was supposed to teach today." I look toward the door to see my old man in his hero costume.

"Hey you old fart!" I say between sniffles. "Why are you home so early?"

He growls at the nickname as a few snickers where heard. "Mina reached out and told me about your plan."

I glare at Mina. She just smiles and gives me a thumbs up. "I think that this is a good idea y/n."

I deadpan.

"With your treatments your hair may fall out so go for it kiddo." He gives me a soft smile. "As for everyone else." He bows, "thank you all for giving her your full support."

1 hour later

Midoriya, Todoroki and many others are looking in the mirror at the orange strands on the underside of their hair. Kirishima continues to help people dye their strands. Now everyone is done except for me and bakugo. Kirishima pokes his head out of the bathroom, his orange strand going up in the front of his hair, "bakubro, your up man"

"Tch whatever" he smiles softly at me before he goes.

A couple minutes go buy when I hear a strange sound coming from the bathroom but I shrug it off.

A few more minutes later bakugo comes out with a towel over his head, and stands in the middle of everyone before taking the towel off making everyone gasp. He had shaved his hair off on the underside. I covered my mouth trying to keep myself together, until he turned around in the middle of his new undercut, an orange ribbon shape was visible. My already puffy eyes started leaking again as I tackled him in a hug.

Kirishima looked out of the bathroom and called me in. I started walking to the bathroom, the last thing I saw was bakugo saying he was better than everyone else.

Kirishima closed the door. "I had to stop him you know."

I gave him a weird look "what do you mean"

"Well... he would've shaved his entire head."

I cover my mouth again this time in awe he would really do that?... for me?

Kirishima's words and bakugos actions raced through my mind as we finished up with my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom to everyone having a good time. When I was noticed every one started clapping. What did I do?

My father walked up to me obviously knowing I was confused and whispered "there clapping because there friend is staying strong and having the time off her life"

That's when it hit me. They don't see me as weak.

After everyone had there full of the night we all took a picture showing our hair. "I'm posting this right away!" Mina said excitedly and i giggled.

Thank you guys so much you have no idea how much this means to me.

As everyone started heading out they all gave me one last hug until bakugo was the only one left.

"You know... you didn't have to shave your head."

"I would have shaved the rest too. But shittyhair said I'd look like an egg" he pouted.

I giggle before wrapping him in a tight bear hug "thank you bakugo katsuki. For everything."

He wrapped his arms around me "no need to thank me I would've done it either way"

With that bakugo said his goodbyes before leaving.

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