꧁𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟷/𝟸꧂

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The next day

I stay in my bed completely unresponsive. Staring at my ceiling. My door opens "hey squirt lets get going."

I turn my head towards him letting a tear fall. "Hey hey hey. It's okay, they said we caught it early." He says wrapping me in a hug.

I look up at him and nod. "I know but still what if early isn't enough?"

"We start treatment next week." He says letting me go.

"Now come on you might not be able to participate in training right now but you still need to learn." He says softly.

"But what if I don't feel good later?" I ask being a smart ass.

"Have someone help you to recovery girls." He says helping me up out of bed.

I end up getting dressed and eating a slice of toast.

I didn't get to walk to school today and the old man made me lean on him to walk inside.

As we walked in the class room there where only a few faces since we where early. Iida was cleaning the windows getting ready for class, Momo was gladly reading a book, Todoroki... was being Todoroki sleeping, and Bakugo was glaring at absolutely nothing.

As dadzawa helped me into my seat I got the attention of those who weren't sleeping (Todoroki).

Iida walked over to me "aizawa should you be at class right now? You looked pretty banged up after training."

"I'll tell everyone what's going on when everyone is here." I smile weakly. He nods and goes back to cleaning.

I motion for my dad he walks up to my desk, "do I have to tell them."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "they need to know why we will be gone a lot now. Okay squirt."

I puff my cheeks and stick my tongue out at him "yeah whatever."

I bring my knees to my chest and rest my chin on the tops. "I just don't want to be seen as weak."

He takes my hand "I know but the thing is when you beat it you'll be the strongest person they know." He smiles softly and reassuringly.

*10 minutes before the bell*

Mina and Kirishima walk through the doors frowning and not as energetic as usual. They look up and both find me immediately. Their faces lit up and they run to me engulfing me in one big group hug.

When they settled down they sat in their seats and we chatted until the bell rang. My mood went from great to worried.

The shaggy haired man stood up and walked to the front of the class and as soon as he did the entire room went silent. "Y/n and I have a very important topic to discuss with you all."

He took the silence in for a moment before coming to help me up. Once he got to me he held his arm out which I nervously took. He carefully lead me to his desk in which I leaned on.

Everyone's attention was now on me I took in a deep breath. "Everyone knows how I collapsed after training this week correct?" I saw many heads nod. Bakugo stood up and yelled "yeah because you-" he was interrupted by the scarf around his mouth. I look at my dad and smile weakly as a thank you.

Turning my attention back to the class. "Apparently there was a very good reason for that." A couple tears slipped from my eyes and my father looked at me concerned and I shook my head. He took me into a hug and began to explain.

"You see y/n, she is very very sick right now. She needs all of your support to get through this year."

Iida raised his hand. "If she is very sick right now shouldn't she be at home right now."

I hear chuckling coming from the man holding me "well Iida it's not at all what you think. When I carried her out of the school yesterday I took her straight to the hospital." His arms where starting to shake. "They performed a couple of tests on her." He pulled you tighter.

I nodded in his chest and he let me go only for me to stumble a bit. Once I regained my composure I looked out the window. "I was diagnosed with stage 2 leukemia which explains why I collapsed."

Dad released Bakugo from his capture weapon. I turned to face the other students. Most of them where frozen in shock. While Mina, Uraraka, and Kirishima where fighting back tears. The others didn't believe a word I said or rather they couldn't believe it maybe refused to.

"I start treatments next week so I will more than likely not be here."

I touched my face only to find out I was still crying so I put on a weak smile to try and cover it up.

Kirishima and Mina rushed over to me and engulfed me in another hug. Slowly our group hug got bigger until the only person left was Bakugo Katsuki. He was still star struck.

Bakugo pov

Wait what. I slowly turn my head over to where she was standing. She was crying but she still had a smile on her face.

The way the morning sun hit her face made her look beautiful. She looked like she had never been sick a day in her life. These thoughts went through my head over and over until the lunch bell rang.

I stayed behind just like she was. When everyone else was gone I couldn't help but look at her. I don't think she realized that I was in here because she pulled her knees to her chest and covered her face with her arms and cried like she was alone.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now