꧁𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢꧂

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I felt tired walking home. It wasn't supposed to be as hot as it felt. Eventually I made it home, I remember being hungry when I left school but now I'm not hungry at all. My appetite was no longer there and I was sweating bullets.

So instead of fixing dinner, I decided to go wash up and get ready for bed. I begin walking up the stairs slowly, my head pounding still sweating through my uniform.

I was halfway up to the top when my foot hit the side of the stair taking my legs out from under me. A loud thump echoed through out the house as my whole body made contact with the cold floor.

I slowly got up and dusted my self off. Deciding to be safer than sorry I called my dad.

"Hey dad where is the thermometer."

"It's in my bathroom. Why."

"No reason." I lied. "I'll see you when you get back bye." I hung up and walked up to his bathroom.

I found the little device and rinsed it putting it under my tongue. When it beeped I pulled it out it read 104°F.

After reading the numbers I decided to go to my room and get some sleep. Taking the thermometer with me. I got halfway down the hall before my vision went blurry, and I collapsed my blurry vision going black.

4hour time skip

Aizawa pov

"She's okay" I kept telling myself as I ran back gone after my patrol "she's okay aizawa."

I stopped once I reached my house and fumbled with the keys until I got the right one. I rushed in the house and up the stairs and what I found made me want to cry.

She had collapsed halfway to her room still holding onto something. I took the little white thermometer from her hand and read it. 104! Oh my gosh that's dangerously high! I thought as I rolled her over and picked her up bridle style and carried her to her room and took her temperature again.

When it beeped I slid it out from under her tongue as it read 99°. I sighed with relief. " she's back down to normal. I guess she just needed sleep." I stood up and walked out of her room closing her door behind me.


The next day


I hurried to get dressed and ready and skipped breakfast because I wasn't hungry and I was going to be late.

5 minutes later*

"Phew I'm glad I have a speed quirk." I sigh with relief before walking into the class and right as I do the late bell rings.

I smile nervously and walk to my seat. When my dad walks in he spots me right away and signaled for me to come over. I do so.

"Why did you come to school today?"

I look at him confused. "What do you mean old fart?"

"You collapsed in the hallway last night."

"I did?"

He nods.

"Well I feel better now."

He rolls his eyes and shoos me off. I chuckle and go back to my seat.

He turns back to the class "today you will be picking your code names. Choose them wisely! You are stuck with them the rest of your career!"

As if on cue midnight walks in and all the boys drool. "All right show me what you've got."

As soon as I get my board I scribble something down. Mina stares at me in awe. "That was quick!"

"I've been thinking about this for a while actually!" I smile and tilt my head. After I get done writing I walk up to the front and place my board down "the deception hero: Nin!"

"Why did you choose that name aizawa?" Midnight asked politely.

"Well my quirks name is ninja. Ninja where known to be deceptive. They worked smarter not harder. And Nin is derived from the Japanese word ninja."

Midnight clapped. "You put a lot of thought into this didn't you."

I smile brightly "yes ma'am!"

"Alright miss Nin you may now take your seat."

I smile and watch everyone come up with different names. Until the bell rings and it's time for heroing 101.

"I am here walking through the door like a super hero!" A voice boomed. I laid my head down not liking the sudden loud noise. I've never really liked AllMight in that way I'm like my dad.

"Everyone suit up and head down to battle field A!" I slowly got up and walked to get my suitcase with my costume inside. Mina and I walked to the locker rooms together.

After I get my costume on I turn to Mina and Momo "how do I look?"

Mina looked wide eyed "you look perfect."

Momo nodded "yes it suits your  h/l h/c hair very well." She smiles kindly.

The girls step out to the battle field together laughing and giggling. I can feel a pair of eyes on me but I figured it was just mineta.

As AllMight explained the rules I counted heads. "18,19,20,21. Hmm." I count again to make sure. "18, 19,20,21." I raise my hand. "Yes, young y/n?"

"We have an odd number."

"Oh yes the person who is picked out of the basket first will be going against aizawa."

I point to myself questioningly. He chuckles "no no no. Haha. Your father." I giggle at my stupidity.

"The one fighting aizawa sensei will beeee..." he digs around. "Haha looks like it'll be young aiza-"


"Excuse me?"

"Just call me Y/N it's less confusing."

"Right well then. Your father is in the building behind us you may wait until the 5 minutes are up then you may enter."

I nod preparing for my fight.

"Everyone else should follow me."

5 minutes later


I do not enter the building but instead run up the wall scaling it. Once I hear a slight movement from a window I put my fingers together and poof in the room I heard the sound from.

"Y/N I know your their. Come on out."

"How did you know I was here?"

"I didn't but now I do" he smirked.

I crossed my arms and glared at him.

Our fight went on for the entire time we where given. The old fart won because I ran out of time. Once we finished I was sweating bullets again. Coming into the surveillance room I stumbled and fell into a familiar blonde firework.

I look up at him "sorry I'm just a bit tired" as soon as I said those words my vision went blurry and I collapsed the last thing I heard was "get her to recovery girl now!"
Before complete silence.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now