꧁𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟸/𝟸꧂

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Still Bakugo pov

When she started crying my body moved on it's own. It felt like a normal thing to do to run to her side.

I wrapped her in a hug she jumped but soon relaxed into the touch.


When I felt someone wrap their arms around me it made me feel so vulnerable. But I didn't mind it. I tried to stand up so it would be easier but I ended up stumbling closer into these arms.

"Hey you have to be careful dumbass you might hurt yourself"

I looked up, "b-Bakugo?"

He didn't say anything just chuckled and smiled softly bringing me closer to him causing me to get flustered.

I couldn't hold it anymore I had to talk to someone. "Bakugo?"

He hummed to let me know he was listening.

"Why am I so weak?" I ask burying my head into his chest.

He pulls a part and bends down so he's eye level with me. He takes my chin with his finger and thumb and pulls my face to look at him. "He dumbass look at me! You are one of the strongest people in this class don't you dare say that about yourself!"

His words alone would've made me flustered but he pulled my chin up more and began to close the gap between our lips. My face getting redder and redder. Until our lips connected. It was like my unknown crush just revealed himself as I just melted into the kiss, still crying.

After we broke the kiss he helped me stand and pulled me into another hug. "Y/n?"


"I don't care if your sick I believe that you'll be able to beat this thing just do what the doctors say."

I nodded into his chest still bawling my eyes out.

*30 minute time skip*

Bakugo pov

After about ten more minutes of her crying she became tired and fell asleep standing up in my arms, so I carefully picked her up and sat against the wall on the floor put her beside me propped her head up on my shoulder and let her sleep.

When the lunch bell rang Mr. Aizawa was the first one to walk in the classroom.

"Psst. Hey. Aizawa." Once I got his attention, I motioned my head towards his sleeping daughter. "I don't wanna wake her." I whispered. He nodded so I just stayed in that position.

Aizawa pov

I walk in to find my daughter laying on Bakugos shoulder with puffy eyes.

When he told me that he didn't want to wake her I nodded as I'm okay. And started scribbling on a piece of paper. Once finished it said:

"If you can't shut up this hour you are expelled!"

When I was happy with my work I hung it up on the door. And after that every student that came in was as quiet as they could be.

The most noise that was made was when kirishima and Mina took pictures of the cute scene and Bakugo couldn't do anything about it.

Halfway through my lesson Bakugo had rested his head on top of y/n's and fallen asleep.

1 hour later

My pov

I woke up sweating with something heavy on my head and whispers along the lines of, "they would make such a cute couple."

"There so cute."

"Are they dating."

"Was she crying."

When I open my eyes I feel the urge to stretch so that's exactly what I do. My feet tiptoed and my arms went behind my head and hit something. I look behind me and turn back around my face redder that a tomato.

"AWWWWWW!" I hear multiple people say. That's when I look around and see that class has started and the attention is on me and Bakugo who is still using me as a pillow.

I bring my knees to my chest trying to hide my flustered face but not moving because I'm afraid I will wake him up.

As weight comes off my head I hear a grunt. "I guess your up now huh?" He smirks.

Still hiding my face in my knees I hum a "mhmm." He starts to get up and once he's up he holds his hand out to me and helps me up.

Once I'm standing up I brush myself off.

"Hey your sweating bullets." Bakugo states as he takes his hand and presses it against my forehead.

"Um Aizawa. She's burning up." My dad stops what he's doing and comes over to feel my head. He looks at Katsuki "bring her to recovery girls, this is one of the symptoms, if she gets to hot she'll collapse."

He just nods and leads me out of the door when I stumble only for him to catch me. "Okay here we go."

I look at him confusedly. When he picks me up unexpectedly and carries me bridal style to the office.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now