꧁𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢꧂

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I never expected to get into UA. I never expected to get into the recommendation program. But above all I never expected to get into the hero course without a flashy quirk.

But here I am, standing in front of the big outside doors to the prestigious school.

"Squirt, you coming?" My father said as I was broken from my daze only to realize how far behind I had gotten.

Not wanting to get lost in the big crowd of new and old students I turned and yelled "Coming! And stop calling me that stupid nickname!" The shaggy haired man looked back and chuckled.

I started making my way quickly to walk by his side to a room. Above the gigantic door read
"1-A". "Look mom I made it." I said softly but it was loud enough the scrawny man I call my father broke into a smile.

"Yeah." He sighed, "your mother would be proud squirt." He softly smiles.

"I know dad." I smile.

*5 minute time skip*

I still had a bit of time until class started. So I decided I would make a trip to the bathroom just in case. I opened the doors and began to walk out only to be met with the ground.

I look up to meet crimson red eyes the seemed to see inside my soul. 

"Move it extra!" he shouted  making his was to the window seat in the front.

My face grew hot with frustration and irritation. "Okay for one," using my quirk I zipped behind him with out much notice "you should be nicer to your future classmate" as he turned to face me I was gone now in front of him "and two I could take you on any day." As I was walking out the door he yelled "yeah right I'd like to see you try! I'd kill you!"

I laughed all the way to the girls restroom. And once I got there I buckled over on my knees and started laughing harder. Once I had settled down some I did what I came to do and started back down the hall.

Once I got to the big door I held in another laugh and calmly walked in and took the only seat left behind a pink girl and beside a red haired guy with sharp teeth. I smiled bowed to them both. "Hello I'm y/n Aizawa and I hope we can be friends!"

Shark boy smiled "my names Ejirou Kirishima! Nice to meet you Y/N!"

Pinky spoke up "I'm Mina Ashido! I hope we can be friends too!" She gave a cute soft smile.

I walked up to her and put her cheeks between my finger and thumbs pulling them "isn't it illegal to be this cute?" We shared a good laugh and hit it off. They both shared their phone numbers with me, and I did the same.

As the bell rings we all sit down and chat for about 5 minutes when a yellow caterpillar slinks in. I face palm as an arm comes out just enough to put a apple juice pack to his mouth.

"I am your home room teacher. My name is Aizawa. Put on these PE uniforms and go to practice field 1."

I sigh and walk up to the front and grab my uniform with Mina and Kirishima right behind me. We start walking down the hall to the locker rooms.

"Aizawa are you related to our teacher?" Mina asks.

"Um, just call me y/n. And to answer your question, yes I am his daughter."

Kirishima just stood there in awe "why didn't you tell us."

I shrugged "you would've found out sooner or later." I smile and continued on my way.

After a few minutes everyone had arrived to the field. I had already done warm ups and light stretches.

The cranky man walked up in front of the class and had Bakugo throw a ball and we continued.

Me and Iida tied in the running. The physical strength tests where normal because I couldn't do much about it. Then it came to flexibility where I came in first with a perfect score.

Little time skip cause I'm lazy lolz

After everyone had finished we waited at the board for our scores to come up. I was in second place after a candy cane and before the boom boom boy. This is gonna be funny. He walks up to me and grabs my shirt collar. "How did this quirkless freak beat me?!" He yelled pointing at me.

I shoved him off. "I'm not quirkless. Asshat. My quirk is called ninja. I basically have the speed and skills of a highly trained ninja." I said matter of factly.

"Prove it." These words made my blood boil. I was going to prove him wrong when the silent man stepped in canceling out my quirk.

"Break it up or your both expelled." He stated in a rather serious tone.

The blonde bitch let me go and stomped off to go yell at the little greenette for having a quirk. "Don't let him bother you." Kirishima walked up with a huge smile and put an arm on my shoulder leaning on me.

After about ten more minutes the bell rang signaling that it was time to eat. Mina ran excitedly to where Kirishima and I stood patiently waiting for her. "We should all eat together." She shrieked.

Kirishima and I shared a look laughed and nodded. We all headed down to the lunch room.
"By the way I invited a couple of people along with us." Kirishima informed as we walked to our table.

"It's fine as long as you didn't invite-"

"HELL NO!!! SHES NOT EATING WITH US!" A voice shouted while I was mid thought. I ignored it and sat between Mina and Kirishima.

"WHAT THE FUCK GO AWAY YOU ASSHOLE!" Once again I proceed to do ignore it and eat my lunch.

This went on the rest of the day. When it was time to go home everyone said there goodbyes and slowly went home.

I waited for my dad for around 5 minutes when my phone buzzed.

Old fart: hey squirt. go on ahead I have a meeting and then patrol so I won't be back til late.

Me: whatever... and stop it with the nickname.

Old fart: you call me old fart why can't I call you squirt?

I left him on read and walked home.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now