꧁𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚑 𝚍𝚊𝚢꧂

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After a long week it was finally Friday. It wasn't like I could go anywhere though I was stuck at home all alone while my dad was away on a mission.

Even though all I had for breakfast was one egg and a slice of bacon I wasn't hungry. However, I was feeling very tired and I didn't feel like falling down the stairs while nobody was here.

I picked up my phone and texted Mina and Kirishima.

Me: hey guys I'm really tired and home alone I really don't feel like passing out halfway up stairs could you come over and make sure I don't die!

Kiri: I'll be over in about 20 minutes but first I gotta make a stop

Mina: yeah I'll come anything for my bestie💕💕💕💕

Me: thanks guys for not letting me die🥺

I put my phone down and went to watching tv.

Kirishima pov

After I got the text from y/n I decided to text bakugo to see if he would come. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Me: hey bro y/n is having trouble getting around today do you wanna go down with me and Mina.

Bakubro: I've got nothing better to do.

30 minute time skip


As my doorbell rang all I could do was yell "come in Mina!"

She opened the door and ran inside to find a absolutely pitiful looking me on the couch.

She frowned "what's up girl?" A bit of concern lacing her voice.

I sighed, "well for one I'm to scared to even attempt going up the stairs. It's where my first collapse happened." I winced thinking about where it all started.

"And second I'm not hungry." She looked at me weirdly.

"What's the problem with that?" She asked not knowing.

I looked her straight in the eyes "all I've had to eat was one egg and some bacon and that was 4 or 5 hours ago!"

She looked at me in awe, "maybe you just need a good hot meal?"

"I don't know mina." I sighed.

"You don't know what?" Kirishima asked coming in with Bakugo tailing.

Mina told them everything I just told her.

Bakugo headed to the kitchen "screw it! I'm gonna make us lunch and your gonna eat every bit I put on your plate y/n!"

I laughed a little at his childish actions.

"Okay mom" kirishima stated making my smile falter remembering my mother.

I looked at Mina "can you help me get up stairs please?" She nodded and took my arm helping me up every step.

I smiled at her. "My room is the next one on the left." She walked up to the door and turned the doorknob helping me in.

Once we got to my bed I plopped down breathing heavily.

"Y/n, why did you wanna come up here" she questioned.

"Just wanted to lay down I'm just tired." I started lying.

"Oh okay then!" Mina replies excitedly as she plopped down next to me.

Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall until the two boys appeared in my doorframe holding plates with a grilled cheese on each one.

Bakugo handed me a plate and sat down in the chair at my desk. "Eat up nerds." I took the sandwich and bit off a piece and set my food down.

"I'm still not hungry." I said without expression.

Boom boom boy stood up and walked over picked up my sandwich and shoved it in my mouth. "WE DIDNT ASK IF YOU WHERE HUNGRY WE JUST WANT YOU TO EAT YOU ASSHOLE!"

45 minutes later

Kirishimas phone goes off "hello?"

"Oh shit Mina we have to go!" He says pulling her along.

"Wait what for?" Kirishima leans over and whispers in her ear. Her face lights up.

"oh yeah I totally forgot!" She jumped up and down, "let's go!" I chuckled looking at them.

After they left I stood up to go to the bathroom and made my way half way down the hall. My foot got caught on something and I toppled over.

Katsuki pov

When shitty hair and raccoon eyes left. Y/n got up off her bed and started down the hall. A few seconds later a loud crash echoed through the house. "Y/n!"

I jumped up and ran out of the room to find y/n swearing up and down. When I rushed over I noticed that she tripped and fell over what looked like one of her fathers scarves.

I knelt down and helped her get untangled.


Bakugo knelt down and gently pulled on one end of the capture weapon. He smiled softly and looked at me, "you need to be more careful."

When I get in tangled he picks me up off the ground and sets me on my feet.

I lean against the wall and turn my head to the side. "I didn't ask you to help me." My face turns red.

He puts an arm above my head and grabs my chin softly and turns my head to face him. As he comes closer he whispers "you didn't have to." My face gets tomato red. Bakugo starts closing the distance.

"Bakugo what are you doing in my house?" A tired voice could now be heard behind the blonde.

"Dad I asked him to come over. He was just helping me geez." I scoff rolling my eyes my face still red.

He nods. "Why are you home so early aren't you supposed to be-"

"Forgot my scarf." He says bluntly.

"Oh well put it somewhere I won't fall over it next time. Asshole." I said rudely.

"Language!" He grabbed his weapon and looked at me.

"English." I stated and stuck my tongue out.

He chuckled "Be careful. I'll be back late tomorrow." He looks at Bakugo, "I'm leaving you in charge you can sleep on the couch if need be."

He nods "bye dad be safe." He smiles "you too squirt."

Bakugo snickers at my nickname and helps me the rest of the way to the restroom.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now