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I woke up sweating and looked at my clock that read 12:30am. I decided to go to the bathroom so I hopped out of bed and slowly made my way to the restroom.

After I finished up I wanted a snack before I went back to sleep. I started walking down stairs tightly grabbing the support beam.

After a couple of minutes I finally made it to my refrigerator, I looked around and my eyes fell on the other half of my grilled cheese I had for lunch.

I took it and put it in the microwave. I stood there waiting and since nobody was home I just let the time run out. I set the plate on the island and started to chow down. I felt weight on my shoulder and arms around my waist I turned only to find bakugo.

"Don't do that you scared me!" I said scowling.

"Your the one who woke me up." He said tiredly.

"I thought you went home." I said grabbing my sandwich and taking a bite out of it.

He shook his head in the crook of my neck.

"Why didn't you go home I bet your parents are worried sick." I said with a mouth full of grilled cheese.

He chuckled "I've already talked to my mom about it. I stayed just incase you fall again." He replies tracing the fresh bruises from a couple hours ago.

After I finished my sandwich we walked into the living room. "Wanna watch a movie?" I looked at him.

He nodded his head "why not?"

I walked over to the couch with Bakugo following. We decided that cloudy with a chance of meatballs would be a good choice. We started the movie and sat in a comfortable silence.

*After the movie*

Bakugo pov

As the movie ended I looked over at y/n. Her head rested on my shoulder and her knees where close to her chest as she slept peacefully in a little ball.

I smiled softly what is this girl doing to me? I think to myself as I gently pick her up and carry her to her room and lay her down on her bed. I started out the door when I felt something grab my hand softly.


"Bakugo?" I asked a little groggy.

He hummed in response as his crimson eyes my e/c ones.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked blushing just wanting some attention.

He rolled his eyes but smiled crawling into bed wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.

I melted into his sweet smelling embrace and eventually we drifted off to sleep.

Time skip later that morning

I woke up in bakugos arms. I guess he got hot last night because he no longer had a shirt on.

My eyes traced his muscles. Starting from his shoulders my eyes moved taking in every detail down to his abs.

All of a sudden I was pulled in closer startling me I could feel Bakugo out his forehead on the top of my shoulder. I felt his mouth turn up into a smirk. "You like what you see there missy."

You only blushed and held him tight in response. He chuckled, "well there's my answer." He says taking one hand and bringing it to my face. "It's okay if you do. It's your opinion." He says as he brings my chin up and my heart starts beating quickly and heat flushes to my face.

Right when our lips are about to touch my phone rings completely ruining the mood. Bakugo sits up and puts his shirt on and goes down stairs. I take my phone and answer it.

-hello is this y/n Aizawa?

Me- yes and who is this?

-oh I'm sorry I'm Dr. Greene. You need to come by today. Your treatment starts this week remember?

I look at the time, "my father won't be home until late tonight is this okay?"

Dr. Greene- yes it is perfectly fine we will just send the paperwork home for him to sign.

Me- okay I'll be there in a little bit. Goodbye.

I hang up and flop back down on my bed after a few minutes I decide to call the old fart.

"Hello dad?" I ask trying to hear him.

"What's up squirt?" He inquired slightly more tired than usual.

"The doctor just called me." I respond, "he says I have to come by today to start treatment."

"Well shit! I'll try to hurry home but you go on ahead. Just be careful."

"Language!" I say mockingly.

He sighs and hangs up.

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now