꧁𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚍𝚊𝚢꧂

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I awoke to bright room and whispering. So I decided to listen in on the conversation.

"Shota! You need to take her to a hospital if this isn't the first time!" Who I'm assuming to be recovery girl stated.

"What would we even check for?!" My father said in a hushed tone.

"Maybe it's for the best Shota." Uncle mic whispering nope that's creepy.

"Its better safe than sorry Erasurehead." AllMight tried to stay as quiet as possible.

"Okay. Okay. OKAY!" The old fart started "if she collapses again I'll go get her checked out" he said still whispering.

That's when I decided I should make myself known. I was going to say something but then my throat went on a rampage of coughing. Mina tried to barge in but Uncle mic turned her around and closed the door.

My coughing got worse and worse until eventually I was coughing up blood. Midnight opened up part of her sleeve. Knocking me out.

Aizawa pov

"Sho," I turned to look at nemuri who had a sad look in her eyes, "if we don't get her checked out now there might not be a next time."

My breath hitched and I became uneasy. "Shota?" I looked at a worried hizashi, "Do you remember how her mother died?" That's when it hit me this was serious.

I walked over to her bed and picked her up and started carrying her to the door. But once I stepped out I was surrounded by some kids in class 1-A. They where all yelling and shoving. Recovery girl stepped out and boy she looked pissed.

She stood in front of me. "Listen her you little brats." She started, "your friend is in critical condition now please back off!" Sure enough the yelling and pushing ceased.

"Thank you ma'am" I said as I carried her out to my car and drove to the hospital.

Bakugo pov

I was standing in the corner playing my phone when I looked up at y/n. My face dropped.

She looked weak, and tired. The things I've never seen her be. I took a closer look and spotted multiple dark bruises and what looked like fresh blood on her hands and mouth.

Shitty hair looked over at me and walked to my side. "You look worried."

"Kir- shitty hair look at her mouth and her hands." He looked closer only to find what I found. The fresh blood.

"Bro how did you... notice that." His face lit up and went back to normal. "Bro if you like her. You NEED to tell her. If she's in as bad condition as they say she could die."


He snickers at my now glowing face, "pffft okay buddy!" He starts cackling.

1 hour time skip


I awaken to yet another blinding room and yet more whispering. But this time I didn't recognize the second voice. I wasn't going to waste time this time so I sat up, only to realize how bad of a headache I have.

I grunt as I put my head in my hand. "Where am I?" I start to try and stand only to be sat back down by my dad.

"Relax squirt. Your in the hospital." He says as he takes my hands in his.

"What why?" I start getting concerned. "Is something wrong?"

"Y/n just relax okay." The more he said that the more tense he got. He then pulled me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay." He started choking up. "Yo-your gonna be okay?"

He started crying right then and there in a public place. Something I've never seen him do. So my first reaction was to be scared and cry with him.

"D-dad? What's wrong with me?" I said in between sobs.

He gets down at eye level with me his eyes are red and puffy. "You listen to me nothing is wrong with you at all!" He looks away and a stray tear falls, "y/n, you might just very, very sick right now." He looks back at me and smiles softly.

I hear the door open I look over to see a tall man in a white coat. He sits down on the edge of my bed "aizawa the test results are back in."

I look at my dad "what test results?" He holds a finger to his lips to tell me not right now.

The doctor turns to my father, "do you want to talk about this outside sir?" He looks at the man and nods.

Aizawa pov

Please be negative please be negative please im begging if some god is out there I'm begging you please don't let these results be positive.

When I get outside the room the doctor looks at me seriously. I tense up.

"Sir the results." He said as he gave me a packet. I flip through the pages. "Page 5."

"Thank you." I flip back a page or two and take a deep breath before looking but I regret even touching the papers as my eyes begin to tear up.

"These results can't be my little girls right?" I ask for conformation.

He gives me a sad look. "They are. Your daughter has tested positive for Leukemia cancer. I'm sorry."

As soon as I let it process I drop the papers and run back into the room she's in.


The door slams open to reveal my dad and he pulls me into the tightest hug. When I hug back I can feel him trembling.

"Dad?" My lip starts quivering "dad what's wrong?"

(Leukemia cancer effects the blood forming tissues and symptoms can be fatigue, bleeding, fever, and lose of appetite)

My sickness (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now