Chapter 5, Introductions

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Crowley regathered the game pieces from where he'd swept them aside, bringing them to the centre of the table. He stood up the six coloured pieces in a line.

"These are the character pieces." He said, gesturing. "Pick one, I'll tell you about them after."

Crowley took the red one. Halt took the green one before anyone else could reach for it. Gilan chose the dark purple one (he liked the pose). Horace choose the yellow one (he looked reputable). Alyss took the blue one (She preferred the colour). Will took the last one left.

Crowley reached for the instruction booklet, flipped to the front/back page, and began with himself. "My character is called 'Miss Scarlet'." He said. "Nicknamed, 'The Femme Fatale'. Beautiful. Seductive." He looked up at everyone again. "Ruthless? Manipulative?
"Miss Scarlet has always been beautiful, but recently also seems cold-hearted. Black and Scarlet had grown up together and been in all sorts of trouble over the years. As they got older though, their friendship became strained. Black suspected Scarlet had been influencing Sir Hugh's investments. In receiving her invitation to Tudor Mansion, Scarlet assumed all had been forgiven."

He turned to Halt, assumedly going to go around the table.

"Halt. 'Rev. Green'. Nicknamed, 'The Playboy'. Charming, Witty. Unforgiving? Decadent?
"As a suave con-man, Green has fronted as a prince, a pilot, a doctor, and an attorney. After years on the scam, trouble has finally caught up with him and forced him into hiding – as a reverend. Thinking that Sir Hugh was the only man to know his true identity, he is immediately concerned when he receives an invitation from Black. Determined to keep his identity safe, Green accepts..."

Gilan was next.

"Gilan. 'Prof. Plum'. Nicknamed, 'The Intellectual'. Intrepid. Eccentric. Obsessive? Paranoid?

"Fearlessly tracking down desert tombs, ancient statues, and lost cities, Professor Plum is an archaeologist with a thirst for adventure. Sir Hugh financed all his expeditions, until a huge disagreement ended their partnership. With no excavations on the horizon, Plum was bored. Black's invitation, when it came, filled him with hope. He was the first to arrive at the party."

"So, I came to the party because I was bored?" Gilan asked.

"No, you came to the party because you were out of a job." Alyss replied.

"And because he was bored." Will added, earning him a slight glare from Alyss.

Crowley internally rolled his eyes, then continued.

"Will." Will's gaze snapped back to the Commandant. "'Doctor Orchid', 'The Genius'. Mysterious. Adventurous. Ambitious? Delinquent?
"Adopted as a teenager by Black, Orchid was privately schooled in Switzerland until her expulsion following a near-fatal daffodil poisoning incident. She was then home-schooled by the old housekeeper, Mrs White. Orchid decided biology was her future, and, while researching her PhD in plant toxicology, unearthed a plant of incredible medical properties; a discovery she wanted to share with no one, especially her adoptive father..."

"All of these people sound like valid suspects!" Will said, mildly confused.

"That's the point." Crowley replied. "I'll get to that later."

"Horace. 'Col. Mustard'." Horace was pleased to know he had indeed chosen someone important. "Patriot. Philanthropist-"

"Wait-" Will started, very confused. "Where's Switzerland??"

"No idea." Crowley replied. "Don't interrupt."

"What's a Phil- Filanthropologist?" Horace asked.

"Philanthropist." Alyss corrected. "A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes."

"Oh, cool." Horace said.

Crowley sighed. "May I continue?"

A vague chorus of 'yes' and 'sorry Crowley' followed, and Crowley continued.

"Patriot. Philanthropist. Liar? Narcissist?

"To the outside world, he is a hero. Colonel Mustard is a highly decorated, successful, and popular officer. However, behind his medals of honour are rumours of black market and treason, rumours that he's been paying someone to keep secret for too long. Mustard suspects Black of being his blackmailer, and eagerly travels to Tudor Mansion to search for evidence."

That's good. Horace thought, having had serious doubts about this man for a few moments. He's just trying to prove he's innocent.

"Alyss." Crowley said, turning to the last person around the table. "'Mrs Peacock'. 'The Social Butterfly'. Flirtatious. Discreet. Greedy? Devious?

"Her exact age is unknown, and that's just one of Mrs Peacock's secrets. Peacock rocketed from small-town girl to well-connected socialite. Little is known of her three husbands, other than they all died suddenly. Sir Hugh met his end just before he could become her fourth. Peacock has called in many favours to get this invitation to Black's party. What's on her mind: Marriage, or murder..."

"We are all suspects!" Will said. "Why are we investigating a crime instead of some actual law officers?"

Crowley was about to answer, before he did a double take. "You make a good point, but we're going to ignore that for the sake of enjoyment, okay?"

Will nodded, but remained confused.

"Now," Crowley started, "We set up the board."

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