25. Comfort and Not

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Sergeant Royston assigned two constables to accompany us to the condo to shoot photos and take fingerprints. When they joined us and had received their instructions, one said, "Our car pound is almost as far – and in the opposite direction. It'll be faster if we walk." He adjusted his bristling equipment belt and shrugged. "We'll follow you at a distance, so people don't relate us to you. You know how assumptions spread."

I winced and nodded. "Yeah, particularly ones about internet images."

Outside, as we began walking up Cambie, Dunc took my hand and said, "That was very noble of you, Gigi."

"Huh? What was?"

"Insisting she take down the videos of you and Marcy, leaving only the ones of you and Garth for evidence. From their titles, I imagine they're far more embarrassing to leave posted."

"But that's logical. Marcy wasn't involved in causing this."

"Beyond logical, Gigi. It shows deep respect. Concern for her feelings, her safety. It shows love."

"Hmmm! Really?" I released his hand, unzipped my case and pulled out my iPhone. "Need to call her. She'll be worried sick."

I clicked it on, thumbed in and touched Marcy's image. She answered almost immediately, "What the fuck, G? What were you thinking?"

"Garth did it. Not me."

"Hah! How?"

"Still had my wifi password."

"How does that matter?"

"The new security system. The motion detectors are webcams."

"Oh, fuck!"


"Oh, God, Gigi. So sorry to have accused you. What do we do with this?"

"I changed the password. Just left the police station. They've initiated take-down orders."

"Oh, thank God! Do you need me to come over and comfort?"

"Ummm! That's sweet, Marce." I looked up at Dunc. "But I have comfort."

"You have? Who?"

"Dunc. The hunk I told you about last night."

"The consultant?"

"Yeah. He spotted the webcams. Disconnected Garth. Took me to the police. He's a keeper, Marce. Finally, a real keeper." Dunc grabbed my free hand and gently squeezed.

Marcy snorted a laugh. "You've said that before, G."

"Yeah, before I understood."

"So, what's the flash of realisation?"

"Depth." I chuckled. "Depth in many ways, Marce. Loving, caring, humorous, fun. And brilliant – only a few points short of my Mensa score, and our minds click." Dunc squeezed my hand again, and I looked up, smiling and shrugging.

"Did he see the vids of us?"

"Yeah. We had to go through them to find good screenshots for evidence to give the police."

"So, he knows."

"Yeah, but he's good with it."

"Oh, my! He does sound like a keeper."

"One in a billion."

"Ooh! When can I meet him?"

"We could do dinner together – in a few days, though. Wait! You can come to the soft openings."

"Soft openings?"

"Yeah, we'll remain closed until we've reorganised and have all our ducks in a row."

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