31. The Moment of Truth

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While Dunc and I lay in a connected cuddle the next morning, enjoying the afterglow, I chuckled. "So funny to look at it now – the way we tiptoed into sharing our first meal together. Yet our first fuck, was hyper-fast-tracked."

"Ah, but it wasn't, Gigi. We had teased and flirted in your office, then we had a prolonged verbal and mental foreplay – nearly half an hour of it as we walked and shopped."

"True. And with some touching. Oh, God! The way you traced the shape of my boobs beneath my hoodie. That sent shivers. Still does, just to think about it."

"I can do it again – if you wish – this time with a view."

"I'd love that."

A long while later, as we showered, Dunc asked, "Do you think Hot Potato has a chance to survive?"

"From the energy and enthusiasm of the staff, yes. Very strong – all but guaranteed. But only if we take our time to hang all our balls over the pockets and –"

"Balls? Pockets?"

"I looked up your idiom. Seems it comes from playing pool – balls close to pockets are called sitting ducks, and setting up to pot a series of them is having one's ducks in a row."

"Should have guessed, Gigi. Your curiosity, your mind."

"Just wanted to know its origin." I shrugged. "So, yes, if we take our time, plan well and have a good marketing company."

"Where would you place us in the market?"

"I know very little except the top end, though with what I had heard from some of the staff and from Marcy, Plimpton's was targeting premium casual, the same segment of the market as Bacchus Club and Pearls."

"Ooh! I like them both, and they're both very popular. But is there room for another chain in that market?"

"It appears Arnie and Freddy thought so. But think, Dunc; with the efficiency of our prep kitchen, both our food and staff costs will be reduced. Wastage and spoilage, as well. This will allow us to consistently offer high quality at a lower cost than the competition."

"So, we could match their prices and take a larger margin."

"We could – or offer quality higher than theirs at a lower price. Use that to establish ourselves, to create a reputation and to build a following; repeat customers are the backbone of the business, and keeping them is far easier and less expensive than finding new ones."

"I love the wisdom that pours out when you get rolling, Gigi. And the energy and enthusiasm."

"Seems my dream kicks in."

"Your dream?"

"From when Grandma first inspired me with cooking, I've dreamt of owning a restaurant. This is likely as close as I'll ever come, so I want it to work."

"Then, we'll make it happen. Come, let's finish here, dry and dress. We've a meeting, and I need to compile some figures for the CFO."

"See eff oh?"

"George Philbert, the Chief Financial Officer, Mr Colwell's top advisor. He'll be there, and he'll want my assessment of the books."


The large digital clocks on the walls of ColeCorp's busy reception lobby all read 09:13 when Dunc and I arrived. After he had spoken with the receptionist, we sat and waited, remaining silent and watching the comings and goings. Then he leaned to me and quietly said, "He has no patience for tardiness. Even a few seconds late, and he'll make the person wait until the next opening – sometimes an hour or more."

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