48. After-Dinner Treats

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Heavy rain splattered the dining room windows while we sat talking after dinner. Then, at a lull in our conversation, Marcy said, "I should go. Leave you two lovebirds to cap the evening."

"Not a fit night for walking, and a taxi would be forever in this." Dunc weaved a zigzag pattern with his hand. "I'd drive you if I hadn't had a king's share of two bottles. Stay the night, and I'll take you home after breakfast."

"That would be imposing. Cramping your style."

"No, not at all. We've four spare bedrooms."

Marcy snickered. "Gigi's a screamer. I'd get no sleep."

I blew a raspberry at her as Dunc replied, "Our bedroom's at the north end of the top floor; yours is the floor below, overlooking the south gardens. Huge distance and many walls between."

"Hmmm, okay, if you're certain."


Upstairs a while later, Dunc removed the counterpane and folded it, and as he took fresh towels from a cedar chest, he said, "This had been the master bedroom, and I keep it ready for when my parents or sisters visit."

"Had been?"

"The entire top floor's now his bedroom."

"Our bedroom, Gigi."

"Ummm, yeah. Need to get used to that."

When Marcy had settled, Dunc and I carried my luggage the rest of the way up, and after we had set the pieces down, he pulled me into a hug and a deep, passionate kiss. As our lips finally parted, I said in a trembling voice, "Past dinner. Need to take my pill."

"Does it trigger the bleeding? Maybe you could take it after we – after."

I chuckled. "No, it's an internal timing thing – it usually starts in the middle of the night after my second placebo."

He rubbed my back. "Have your cramps and soreness started yet?"

"I'm among the few who don't get those."


"Ummm, not really. They serve as a warning to be prepared. To not have a messy surprise." I nodded toward my luggage. "Need to unpack some Thinx, go pee, take a pill and brush my teeth."

A few minutes later and finally on the bed, as I warmed up Buddy with some mouthing and tongue flicks, I chuckled. "Marcy said she had tasted this on my lips when she came in."

"Into the office? So, that's why her belly mash."

"Yeah. From what she told me, she got a good measure of him." I gave Buddy a few more strokes and tongue flicks. "Strange dichotomy, isn't it? We glorify large dicks, but many still think that large clits are queer – even among the medical professions. Still a common practice is to surgically reduce them." I winced. "But much better than earlier, when they just lopped them off."

"I've read about that. Though, by what Marcy said, the attitude seems to be changing."

"It is for many. Pride and awareness are helping." I gave Buddy another lick and a kiss, and he throbbed in my hand. "Think you can find my spot again?"

"The way you've guided me, it's hard to miss."

A long while later, trembling and panting from an extended series of cul-de-sac orgasms, I tilted my hips down and back to stop Buddy's pressing. "Enough." Another wave of convulsions swept through. "Your turn."

"You sure? I can continue."

"Oh, God!" I shuddered again. "Later. Your turn. Now."

Dunc's long, slow thrusts moved the excitement from cul-de-sac to clit, and I felt the tension mounting again, then peaking with another o as he pulsated deep inside me, bellowing a loud, guttural roar to compete with my tremulous hoots and howls.

We clung to each other, writhing in mutual ecstasy as we slowly calmed. This must be love. How could it not be?

Much later, carried, showered and dried, we lay under the duvet in an entwined hug, Buddy gradually rising between us as Dunc adjusted. "Seems you're up for more."

He chuckled. "Just thinking, this'll be our last opportunity until your period's over."

"No, we can continue through it – no reason to stop."

"But the blood?"

"It's only a small amount, and a towel on the bed will catch any there might be. Besides, we've our mouths, and I need to teach you how to best use yours."

Buddy throbbed. "I was trying to find a way to ask if you would."

"Never fear asking me, Dunc. Anything."

"Can we now?"

"It'll be my pleasure." I chuckled as we unwrapped. "But seriously, if you really get into it, you'll derive as much pleasure as I do."

Then, after removing my Thinx, I rolled to my back, pulled my knees up and dropped them to the sides to rest on the bed as I pressed the soles of my feet together. "This'll give you a full view and full access."

Dunc's eyes widened. "Wow, so beautiful and so flexible."

"One of my yoga poses, the supta baddha konasana, or easier to say, the reclining goddess."

"How do I begin?"

"By eye-fucking. Run your gaze over me. Explore my body but don't touch. Show me your increasing interest and hunger. If you do it properly, you'll see my nips erecting, my vaj winking and wetting, my clit twitching and growing. Remember, our brains are our main sex organs."

It didn't take him long to get these results, and he asked, "May I talk?"

"Yes, certainly. Open communication is the key to great sex."

"My eyes appear to have worked; what's the next step?"

"Run the tips of your fingers lightly up the insides of my thighs and down my belly in varying patterns, always stopping just short of my hair. The biggest mistake is an immediate attack on the goods – the vaj, lips and clit. Need to build up to those. Build anticipation – both mine and yours."

I continued coaching in this manner, needing most of my concentration to maintain the yoga pose. "Now, play with my lips, pulling them gently, stretching, making butterflies, moving them in circles. Exploring. Watch their interaction with my hood and clit."

His tender manipulations had me nearly exploding, and when I told him to use his lips and tongue, I was very soon over the top, my pose lost as I shuddered and trembled, wrapping my legs around his neck, then down his back.

As I twitched, he shuffled up, slipped in, and we writhed together on the bed. Surely, this is love.


Points to consider in this chapter:

I don't enjoy overly-explicit sex scenes, so I write mine with just sufficient detail to convey the action and the feelings. Have I succeeded with this here?

I've tried to show Gigi's struggle to find love through the fog of her aromanticism. Does it work here?

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