52. The Power of Three

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The chain-wide soft openings on Monday evening went well, catching a few minor glitches in the prep kitchen and with the deliveries to the branches. They all appeared easy to rectify, and we were confident we'd be ready for our first public service – lunch at all branches on Tuesday – as we had advertised.

We left Logan and Kevin to see the last of the staff out and lock up. Then, as Dunc walked Marcy and me toward his car, he said, "Mr Plimpton called a while ago to thank me, and we had a long talk. He said that when he could muster the courage, he'd come by for dinner."

"Oh, how wonderful – working toward closure."

"Indeed, Gigi. He said his doctor was concerned and advised him to see a shrink."

We discussed grieving and closure for a while, then as Dunc started driving up Alberta Street, Marcy said, "You should take me home, Dunc. Surely, you don't want me there again tonight to tempt her. I don't want to interfere in what's happening between you two."

"If she craves being with you, I can't change that, Marcy. It doesn't diminish her craving for me. Rather, the opposite. After your session this morning, she came to me so hot and horny."

"Sure! To make up. To reconcile."

I pondered this while I listened. Was it that? But why?

"No, I don't think so, Marcy. Look at it this way; her aromanticism doesn't distinguish between love and sexual attraction. She sees us both as sources of comfort and fulfilment, neither of us detracting from the other; rather, each adding."

"Possibly. What do you think, G?"

"Hmmm, give me a mo to analyse." I ran images through my mind – warming at memories of sexual play with each. But it's more than just that. Need to assess feelings. Being wanted, cared for, protected. Both offer those.

For a long while, my mind spun, examining comparisons until it was interrupted by Marcy's words, "Your mo over yet, G?"

"Umm, yeah. Love you both – don't want to lose either of you."

I watched Dunc's face relax as he blew a deep breath. Then, I turned to look at Marcy in the back seat, seeing her dabbing her eyes. "Yeah, love you both equally."

We remained silent as we continued up the slope toward 8th, my mind considering possibilities. Is it proper for us to share the bed? Maybe only to cuddle and caress. But maybe threesomes. Would his demi allow him to rise for her? Give her a cul-de-sac o. Many. Wow! Thrilling thought. But best to see what evolves. Let it happen – don't force it.

"You seem deep in thought, Gigi."

"Hunh? Oh, we're here." I looked at the open car door and his hand extended to assist me out. "Yeah, thinking of ways to handle our relationship."

"What have you seen?"

"Exciting things."

As we walked arm-in-arm-in-arm toward the hedge gate, Marcy asked, "Care to elaborate?"

"Just my mind rambling." I chuckled. "You know how it does that."

"Love to get in there sometime to watch the cogs turn – listen to the process."

As we entered the house, Dunc asked, "Champagne again?"

"Certainly. Did you both get a chance to eat? Or should I cook something?"

"Suong brought us each a pizza. What about you?"

I giggled as I swayed my belly out and rubbed it. "Far more than enough with all the quality assurance sampling."

While Dunc got the bottle, opened it and poured, I put some taramasalata and olive tapenade into bowls and filled a small basket with sunflower crackers. Then, with everything moved to the coffee table in the front room, we sank into the deep cushions of the couch.

Dunc raised his glass. "Nearly there. Here's to everything continuing smoothly."

I nodded as I picked up my glass. "Both with the restaurants and with us three."

After we had sipped to the toast, Marcy grinned and asked, "So, are you ready to elaborate?"

I shrugged. "Maybe stop having you sleep alone."

Her eyes widened, and Dunc pursed his lips. Whoops! Too far too fast.

"How would you propose this happening, Gigi?"

"You've a huge bed, Dunc."

He adjusted his goods, and I giggled. "Appears he works with her, as well."

"Yeah." He nodded and adjusted again. "Seems there's been emotional bonding the past few days, but this is Buddy's first recognition of it."

"Buddy? Bonding?" Marcy tilted her head. "I'm lost here."

"That." I pointed. "Doing what it did with me while Dunc began realising he's not asexual."


We remained silent for a while, sipping our Champagne and nibbling on crackers and dips, then Marcy asked, "Are you sure you want to share, G?"

"He's not mine; he's ours." I shrugged. "And we're his."


Points to consider in this chapter:

From what has preceded, did you expect to see Gigi and Marcy being intimate again?

What are your thoughts on the way this polyamorous relationship has evolved?

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