39. Moving Forward

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As Dunc and I entered the restaurant, Suong rose from a table and waved. "Heya, Chef! Good you're back. Cynthia asked when's the soonest she can meet with you."

"Thank you. Who's Cynthia?"

"Oh, sorry, Cynthia Rothingham." Suong must have seen my puzzled expression, so she continued, "From Promot-Ink."

I chuckled. "Now I'm further confused. "What's promo tink?"

"Oh, I thought you knew. They're the marketing company Freddy used."

"Great! Finding them was going to be my next task. You're a step ahead of me – likely many more steps. So, you've spoken with them?"

"Shortly after you left. She's excited to resume – waiting for the go-ahead." Suong pointed toward the table. "I've her phone number and email over there. We're brainstorming ideas for her to use."

"Excellent. What can you tell me about them? Save me having to dig it up before I call."

"Cynthia's the wonder woman in the hospitality PR business on the West Coast – restaurant openings and ongoing publicity are her specialities. She's helped launch and promote many of Vancouver's iconic restaurants, her string of successes beginning with Luminari in the 1990s."

"Oh, my!"

"Indeed. I would think this is among the reasons Freddy had chosen her. She's also familiar with chains, having helped Pearls expand across Canada and into the States."

"Ooh! Even better. Have you worked with her?"

"Both Muriel and I have. We're excited to begin again."

"Great! I'll call her, and you two can join us as we plot and plan."

Dunc followed me into the kitchen to see three dozen and more gathered around the prep tables and talking. Logan turned and greeted me, "Narrowing down menu selections, Chef." He pointed at the sheets of paper laid out in front of them. "We decided it would be easiest to begin with what most of the cooks already know from before the accident. Less training needed that way."

"Yes, excellent thinking."

"Thank you. The only exception is the mac and cheese." He chuckled. "We all want to taste your version."

"Then, that'll be our first creation. A great way for us to launch the test kitchen." I pointed toward my office. "I need to set up a meeting with the PR company. Let me know when you've the menus sorted."

As Dunc closed the office door behind us, he said, "Enabling. Empowering. Including. Praising. The finest way to build a team. Leadership from the bottom up – everyone feels they belong and they want to contribute."

"It's much easier this way. They know more about this place, the company and the current dining trends than I do. It would be stupid of me to tell them what and how."

"Indeed, and that stupidity is how many companies fail. Bosses with too much telling and not enough listening. The best thing about a takeover is that people like that are replaced."

"But there weren't any like that here – with Plimpton's. The decline wasn't internal; it was because of the accident."

"True, and that's its strength. Something that I had initially misjudged and that George had completely missed."

"When did you realise?"

"Early in the third meeting." He chuckled. "Soon after the mac and cheese."

"Yeah, me, as well."

"I'm with the rest of them out there – chomping at the bit to try it."

"Do you have an elbow macaroni die with your pasta maker?"

"I don't have a pasta maker."

"I'll pack mine. Stop at SaveOn before that. We can play with the recipe tonight."

"Oh, my! I'd kiss you if we weren't so visible here. My love for you continues to grow."

"That's so sweet, Dunc. I should tell you that I love you, as well, shouldn't I?"

"No need, Gigi. You show that you do."

"Marcy also says this. I've often wondered what it looks like. Would the others see it?"

"I don't think so. It's little things between us, like wanting to satisfy my craving."

"But that's sexual – physical, not love."

"That craving, as well." Dunc chuckled. "But I meant for your mac and cheese."

"Ah, okay." I pointed to the phone. "I must call and set up a meeting with the PR people."

"I'll go continue examining the books – see if I can discover anything else."

Half a minute later, talking with Cynthia, she said, "My mid-afternoon's free, so I can be there whenever you and the general manager are available."

"Hmmm! The general manager's temporary – a turnaround specialist from the holding company. He's gone when the purchase closes at noon tomorrow."

"I need someone with signing authority for the contract."

"I'll be able to from noon tomorrow."

"No, I mean someone higher than you. The new owner would work if there's not yet a GM."

Ummm. Do I tell her? Yeah, client confidentiality. "I'm the new owner."

"Wow! Congrats! That'll add to the marketability."

"It's not for publication. I want the owner to remain unknown until we get rolling."

"That also works for the marketing – the subtle intrigue. Get people wondering."

"Yeah, I had thought it might."

"Plimpton's had been such a strong company – we'll quickly bring it back."

"We cannot use the Plimpton's name; there's a prohibition in the sales contract, and that's why we've changed it to Hot Potato."

"Yes, Suong had told me. But check the contract to see if there's a restriction on mentioning it had previously been known as Plimpton's. We don't have to be blatant with it – just remind people – most will know, anyway."

"I'll ask Dunc – he drafted the purchase/sale agreement."

"Who's Dunc?"

"The temporary GM. He had been assigned to restructure the company and prepare it for sale."

"I wondered what had happened to it. Such a shock with the accident. Closed for a week of mourning, but when it reopened, there was nobody able to authorise me to continue."

"Yeah. We need a broader structure than that. First on my list is to find a GM."

"I know some who are looking at moving up – some just wanting a change. I'll put together a list and see you in half an hour."



Points to consider in this chapter:

What things show the strength of the staff?

Does Cynthia's attitude inspire confidence?

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