― 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩.

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― eight

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― eight.

"i heard you ended up in the hospital." inha was taken by surprise, staring at yeosang with wide eyes. 

"o-oh," she nodded, lowering her gaze. "how did you know?" she questioned, wondering where everyone was getting this information about her life from. she almost suspected someone was writing a book about her somewhere, and she had no idea. 

"my dad's a doctor there," he explained. he suddenly lifted his hand towards her cheek to point out her scar, but inha had flinched from the action, almost dropping her food as she stared at him in surprise. yeosang mirrored her surprise, staring at her curiously as he wanted to question her behaviour. it was his first time seeing this side of inha, it only made him more and more curious. "how did that happen?" he quietly asked, watching inha attentively. 

the girl cleared her throat, seeming to struggle to come up with an excuse as she wracked her brain. "it's nothing, i just fainted during a gymnastics class and i must've landed on something, when i woke up it was just there." she lied, wondering how she came up with something so quickly. honestly it wasn't a complete lie, she did faint at her class, she just made up the rest. "but who's your dad, how did he hear about me?" she questioned curiously. yeosang stared at her, wondering if she was being serious.

"dr kang? the one who was looking after you?" he pointed out. realisation washed over the girl's face as she finally put two and two together. 

"ah," she nodded, her eyebrows raising in realisation. "that makes more sense." she agreed, returning to her food. "wait, how did he know me?" she questioned, pointing at herself as another mystery popped up. 

"your dad." inha flinched at the word. she hated using that term towards that man, it felt too affectionate and closely related, inha's relationship with him was far from that. however, she wasn't able to hide it very well as yeosang noticed a look of distaste wash over her features. he knew her and her father didn't get along, but he couldn't help but think that there was more to it than inha was letting on. "he recognised you from the press conferences."

suddenly losing her appetite, inha absentmindedly poked at her food. she didn't know why, but she didn't want yeosang to know. glancing over at him as he busily told her about something else that had happened whilst they were moving into their new place, she for some reason wanted to protect her image. she didn't want to drag him into the hell that she had been living. 

"there you are!" her thoughts were cut off as another voice joined their conversation. "i've been looking for you everywhere." he exasperatedly claimed, taking a seat at the table. 

"dohyun, i thought you had basketball practise?" inha questioned, remembering that the boy had said that he wouldn't be joining her this week. dohyun, although inha didn't notice, glared at yeosang who returned it with a look of confusion. 

"i did, but i didn't want to leave you by yourself." he explained with a lame excuse. he was lucky inha couldn't see through it.

"it's fine, i have yeosang." she assured, pointing at the boy. "we've actually been friends since we were kids, so you don't have to worry." she added, taking dohyun by surprise. he had struggled so much to become friends with her, he was shocked to hear that she had other friends. yeosang of all people too, he hated to admit it, but the boy was good looking. if inha wasn't already friends with him, she would've struggled to fight against all the other girls who had their eyes on him.

"really? does that mean i'm being abandoned?" dohyun pouted, giving her puppy dog eyes. inha was unfazed by his behaviour. she wasn't used to this type of behaviour, but she wasn't the type to react to any type of aegyo. 

"you're the one with basketball." she pointed out bluntly. dohyun's act dropped, a sigh escaping his lips as he nodded his head, realising that he was going to have to try something different if he wanted to win her over. 

"right." he agreed. yeosang seemed oblivious to dohyun's distaste towards him, trying to strike up a conversation  ― any friend of inha's could be his friend too, was his thought process.

"are you in our class too?" yeosang questioned, trying to remember if he had seen him earlier or not. he didn't really get a chance to talk to anyone, he didn't even remember what his seatmate looked like. the only person he knew other than inha, was that guy who was being mean towards her, he couldn't forget his face even if he wanted to.

dohyun stared at him, rolling his eyes before standing up. "i'll see you after school, inha." inha simply hummed in response, before dohyun disappeared. yeosang blinked, wondering what he had done wrong. he brushed it off, thinking that maybe that's how students are in this school after remembering how wooyoung had behaved.

"after school?" he questioned, looking at inha expectantly. 

"there's a basketball game, do you want to come with?"

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