― 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣.

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― eleven

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― eleven.

"what are we doing here?" inha sighed, following the boy aimlessly as he refused to let her leave. it wasn't like she was desperate to go home so she allowed him to take her wherever he planned to go.

"you don't get to leave until you smile again." he declared suddenly, pushing her into the building that they were stood before. inha, new to this sort of place, glanced back at yeosang, sending him a weird look. 

"why are you doing this?" she questioned. this time it was yeosang's turn to sigh. 

"yah, if your best friend is upset, then wouldn't you do something to cheer them up?" inha was taken aback by his words, not expecting him to even care about how she currently felt, but that wasn't the only thing that took her by surprise. "that's why, just for tonight, you can spend as much of my money as you want on these games, until you feel better." he promised, wondering if his wallet would be fine after today.

"best friend?" she questioned, that word playing in her mind over and over again. she didn't know what it truly meant, and to be honest, she had never considered anyone in her life to be one. of course, she admitted that her relationship with yeosang was close, but that was because he didn't know much about the real her. he didn't hate her yet.

"yeah, why are you so shocked by that?" he questioned, staring at her. "don't tell me you don't think of me as your best friend?" he suddenly realised why her expression was so blank, his feelings slightly hurt. he thought that their relationship was deeper, why else would he meet her every sunday at eight a.m?!

"well, i just never thought of putting such a label on it." inha shyly admitted, tearing her gaze away from him as her cheeks flushed red. 

"what? what does that make me then?" he whined. truthfully, he wouldn't usually be bothered by something so trivial, but for some reason, when it came from inha, he wanted to establish something. he didn't know why, but it felt like if he didn't establish what their relationship truly was, then it would be harder for him to stay beside her. 

"then, i'll start thinking of you as someone close." she suddenly announced with a nod, but yeosang didn't seem satisfied with that answer. however,  he didn't realise that for inha, it was probably the most she could do after everything she had gone through. "but, there's still a lot i don't really know about you." inha admitted, realising that her knowledge of yeosang was very limited. "don't best friends usually know everything? like, to the point where when you look at their face, you know immediately what they're feeling?" inha questioned.

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