― 𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣.

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― sixteen

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― sixteen. 

"yeosang." the boy looked up in surprise. he hadn't realised how deep in thought he was until it was disturbed. he didn't recognise the person before him, wondering who she was as she shyly stood there with her hands behind her back. she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks flushed red as she kept her gaze on his desk. 

"do i know you?" he questioned after an awkward moment of silence. somehow, her redness seemed to deepen as her eyes widened in surprise. yeosang wondered if he had said something to upset her, but honestly, she was just having a heart attack from the sound of his voice. it was understandable.

"n-no, my name is hwang minji from class two," she began shyly, trying to stall so she could spend more time talking to him. "but i have something that i―" her words became a buzz when a figure behind her caught his attention. 

he watched with wide eyes as yeong inha entered the classroom. she looked like a mess, with her hair dishevelled and bags under her eyes, even the tie around her neck was sloppy, but she didn't seem to care. concern washed over yeosang's features as he hurriedly stood up, scaring the student in front of him. minji flinched, finally lifting her gaze as she watched yeosang approach inha. 

she huffed in annoyance, her hands falling to her side as she stared at the pair. "of course," she quietly mumbled to herself, her grip around her gift tightening as she stared down at it. "it's always the rich daddy bitch." 

"inha!" yeosang called for the girl as he approached her. "what are you doing here?" his question made inha chuckle, something that she hadn't done in a while. "you know what i mean." he quietly added when he realised what he had said. inha nodded her head, adorning a tight lipped smile as she responded with a simple shrug. 

"it can't be helped that i still have to be here." yeosang frowned. he knew that she meant about school, but he couldn't help but think that there was a deeper meaning to it. 

"but still, with your mother..." he trailed off, unsure with how to finish his sentence. inha pursed her lips, continuing her journey to her desk as yeosang followed her like a lost puppy. he knew he had hit a nerve by mentioning her mother, but it seemed like something had happened with how inha was trying her best to compose herself. "something happened." he finally pointed out, curiosity getting the best of him. 

"yeah," she confirmed, sitting down because she knew she would drop if she says what she's going to say standing up. "she passed this morning." 

the room was loud. it was filled with the noise of students talking and laughing, the open windows were letting in a soft breeze and you could even hear the birds chirping as they woke up from their slumber. so why did everything become silent for yeosang? why was he frozen? why did it feel like he was hearing the news about his own mother? 

why wasn't inha feeling the same way? 

he opened his mouth to say something, but instead the ringing of the school bell cut their conversation short. his comforting words would have to wait, although inha felt a sense of relief. she didn't want to hear it. she didn't want to hear that it was going to be okay. that her mother lived her best life and that she was in a better place.

she didn't want to hear any of it because it wasn't true. 

she didn't want to believe that her mother had passed away. she didn't want to believe that that man actually killed her. she didn't want to believe that she was all alone now. 

more importantly, she didn't want to think about what was going to happen to her.


"remember, your exams will be starting next month, so if you haven't already started prepping then i truly feel sorry for you." mr jeon sighed teasingly as he dismissed the class. it was the end of the school day. inha hadn't lifted her head off her desk once today, you would think it was glued to it with how she didn't move from her position at all ― not even to go to lunch. 

it concerned yeosang.

"inha." most of the class had left with a few students lingering who were either on cleaning duty, or just doing extra work before they left. "inha." he crouched down beside her and gently shook the girl, trying to wake her up. a moment passed before inha finally slowly lifted herself up. his eyebrows lifted in surprise when he saw how puffy her eyes were, making him realise that she had been silently crying to herself the whole day. "let's go." he gently smiled, rubbing her arm in comfort. 

"i don't want to." she quietly admitted, picking at the loose skin around her nails as she kept her gaze low, unable to face yeosang. 

"we can spend some time together again before i take you home? like last time." he suggested, reminding her of the time they had spent together, but inha shook her head. he frowned, wondering what he could do to cheer her up, but that wasn't what she was saying no to.

"i don't want to go home." she finally looked up at him, meeting his gaze. yeosang finally noticed it. he noticed the tears in her eyes, the fear that hid behind them. she looked like a little kid who wanted to hide in their bed after hearing a strange sound in the middle of the night. it was so innocent and yet it seemed to induce fear within yeosang too. "please," she begged as he gently took her hand in his to stop her from picking at it.

"please don't take me home."

a/n: y'all i just binged little women

and omg ???? please i need someonewho's watched it cuz i'm a mess lmao

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