― 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣.

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― eighteen

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― eighteen.

it was awkward at first. inha was asking herself why she agreed to this in the first place when she knew that she didn't want to talk about it. she wanted to hold it in for the rest of her life if she could. however, the comfort of yeosang's presence made her trust him.

"i know you've probably been hurt by those around you a lot." yeosang suddenly began, taking inha by surprise as he practically read her mind. these past few days, yeosang had noticed how she had been more quiet than usual, but more so, she was avoiding him. he had easily put two and two together, and wanted to address it. "but there are good people out there, who are genuinely on your side and want to help you, i promise." he finished.

"right." inha nodded, taking in a deep breath. in her seventeen years of living, she didn't think she'd ever have someone to tell her story to. "but it's hard."

yeosang nodded. "start with your dad, what has he done?"

and so the night was spent with inha telling him everything. from start to finish. she was surprised that the sun hadn't risen by the end of it with how long they were sat there, yeosang simply staying silent as he listened to her every word. he didn't have much to say in the first place, but he also didn't want to interrupt her. this was the first time where she was able to speak about everything without having to fear the consequences, he didn't want to take that away from her.

the conversation had ended with her telling him about what she suspects her father had done to her mother, but she had no evidence to make such a claim. yeosang had remained silent, as it blanketed the both of them, just soaking in everything that had just been told. 

"so what do you plan to do now?" he asked, looking over at her. inha breathed in, wondering what her next steps truly were. she knew that she wanted to take him down, but how was another worry. "let me help you." he offered out of the blue. "me and wooyoung." he added.

"what?" inha furrowed her eyebrows together as she looked over to meet his gaze, only to realise that he wasn't joking. "wooyoung? what are you talking about?" she questioned, trying to piece the puzzle together.

"wooyoung... well let's just say that your father has done a few things to ruin his family too." yeosang explained, unable to give the full story since it wasn't his place to do so. "over the past few years, he's been collecting evidence against your father, but you would complete it. exposing him for what he's truly done to you all, that's what we plan to do."

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